Tom - Thanks for posting. You confirmed what I am seeing too. I tried my brand new Roku 4K stick (currently on sale for $30 at Amazon) on different HDMI ports and even on two different 4K TVs. No dice. Always shows the same Error Code 022 ("Wireless receiver not detected"). Tried power via wall outlet and USB power on TV. The white light on the player/stick always comes on - so of course the dongle/wireless part is on! But still, always getting the same 022 error. Really wanted to like the Roku (decent price too). But have no choice but to return this piece of junk back to Amazon.
Also, it is indeed interesting to hear that the Amazon batches of the rokus are faulty, whereas other retailers work. Hmm, amazon, the maker of Firesticks. Sounds sus! Lol
Adding - I might buy the same Roku stick model from another local retailer to rule out the source and see if that works. (I noticed the same price at Staples and other stores).
A feature request to Roku staff - It would be helpful to have a status light/indicator on the LRWR , similar to the stick/player which has a white light indicating power-on and perhaps other statuses (I wouldn't know , I never get past the 022 error).
I read through several comments and noticed customers are uncertain as to which of the two parts is defective (regarding error code 022 / LRWR not detected). I can only guess that my (brand new) LRWR is the part that is busted, but don't know for sure since the LRWR does not have any light or status indicator on it. I think that is a miss ... not being able to positively identify which part(s) are non-functional.
In fact, if it was positively identified to be the wireless part, then I could perhaps contact Roku support to have it replaced. But given the uncertainty of it all, I'm not going to waste any more time on this (already spent a ton of time on multiple 4K TVs and HDMI ports) and simply return the entire package back to Amazon.
Hi @TomHolland,
Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Could you share with us the device serial of the device that experienced this issue? We'd like to take a closer look.
Keep us posted.
Hi @conrad007,
Thanks for getting in touch, and welcome to the Roku Community!
Could you also share with us the device serial number that has an issue? We'd like to take a closer look.
hi @RokuERey , sure thing, you caught me just in time. I was going to send this back to Amazon shortly. The particulars of this device (the player/stick) show as:
Model: 3820X2
I also included a photo. See attached. Note that the LRWR doesn't have a S/N. Again, it is hard to know where exactly the issue is without a status indicator on it. Anyhow, hope this helps. I don't know if you can suggest a more robust Roku 4K player that isn't broken and doesn't break the bank. Frankly I was happy with $30, but not for a paper weight. Error 022 - Probably Busted LRWR
Thanks for your prompt response and for the update, @conrad007!
We've sent you a PM for further support regarding this.
FWIW, I've stopped using the Roku Streaming Stick 4K for my customers and started using the Roku Express 4K+ Re the Streaming Stick 4K, I liked the fact that it had the WiFi antenna which was supposed to be very good, but that's the part that is not detected in the Error 022.
The Roku Streaming Stick 4K has another slight drawback. It's length sometimes prevents it from being plugged into an HDMI port. Some TVs have their input bank in a square area about 3" x 3" and 1" into the back of the TV with the ports in the 1" side. The Streaming Stick 4K won't fit in that area to plug in.
I've started using the Roku Express 4K+ It costs less, has the same voice remote and comes with an HDMI cable. The setup is the same as the Streaming Stick 4K except for one minor difference - after you set up the WiFi, it doubles back and asks you to set it up again. Just leave the WiFi and password as they are and click 'Connect'. Another advantage of the Express 4K is the fact that it uses an HDMI cable. I've had instances, while cord cutting, where the ISP's set top box was in a media cabinet connected to a wall mounted TV. The back of the TV is very close to the wall and hard to place a Streaming Stick 4K. The Express 4K+ can go at the end of the present HDMI cable which was connected to the set top box.
I'm sticking with the Express 4K+ for my customers. There is no difference in performance. I can't afford the extra time or the lack of professionalism associated with a possible defective unit. I would expect Roku to have the same respect for their reputation and get to the bottom of this by identifying the bad batch and issuing a recall.
Does your wireless receiver looks like this in the picture? Is the Micro USB connector on the left or right side of the receiver? See the short part with micro USB on left side below.
hi @happy_streamer , not sure which person you are asking, or why on earth this makes any difference. Bottom line is - this "brand new" roku product (with multiple parts) is dead on arrival (DOA) from Amazon Prime today -- does not work across four different 4k TVs and dozens of HDMI ports , powered via both the USB TV ports as well as the power-strip (wall) ports. It just absolutely does not work in any configuration on any TV or HDMI port.
Since I have the same issue (error 022) as that of Tom and several others, I will answer you question -- the micro-USB that plugs into the stick is on the LEFT side (with "ROKU" showing top-side) , exactly as shown in your and that of the official Roku diagram.
Since I still have this item. here's an image of it - see attached.
Note- I am sending this back to Amazon first thing in the morning to get my money back for this absolute dud and colossal waste of my time trying it on multiple TVs and power outlets and ports. I may have no choice but to go with the Amazon firesticks which aren't my first choice, but unlike the Roku's, the firesticks actually WORK on every TV and have Black Friday deals.
Likely @happy_streamer was wondering if perhaps you had the WR001 receiver rather than the WR002 receiver (they are not interchangeable between the 3810 and 3820 series).
However, both your image and the part number on the receiver indicate you do have the correct WR002 receiver for your 3820.
For what its worth, I actually prefer the Roku set top streaming players rather than the Streaming Sticks due to this need for the proprietary cable. Unless you need the capability of the Ultra, I think the Roku Express 4k+ is a very good device. (and no LRWR required).