Reel Rookie

Voice remote stuck on green blinking light

Hi Roku

I am having trouble repairing a voice remote. I have two Roku streamers, and two remotes. One remote can be paired to either streamer (so I know they are not the issue) and one RC126 remote cannot be paired to either streamer- hence I am confident the voice remote is the issue.  The voice remote used to work and has done for several years. 
I have tried all the troubleshooting steps posted. When I insert fresh batteries, the green flashing light immediately starts, and the remote does not respond to the pairing button. After about 2-3 minutes the light slops flashing, and restarts if I press the pairing button. It can’t pair with either streamer. 
What do you suggest I try next?

Many thanks in advance,


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Re: Voice remote stuck on green blinking light

Hi @Bpc135798642,

Having trouble pairing the Roku remote to the device? We're here to help!

Send us a picture of the Roku remote.
How do I insert an image in a post?

What troubleshooting steps have you taken so far? Also, what models are the Roku devices?

Keep us posted.

Roku Community Team

Riamie D.
Roku Community Moderator
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Reel Rookie

Re: Voice remote stuck on green blinking light

Hi Riame

The streaming devices are a TCL Roku TV (55P607) and a 4K Streaming stick (3820R). Both have been power cycled and I removed the voice remote from the Roku TV where it was previously paired. 
The regular remote (the one that came with the streaming stick) pairs fine with either the TV or the Streaming Stick. 
I have put fresh batteries in the Voice Remote, I checked the voltage on them first with a voltmeter. I held the pairing button on the voice remote for 5s and also 30s. Neither action does anything. Just the blinking green light as soon as the batteries are inserted. 




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Community Moderator

Re: Voice remote stuck on green blinking light

Thanks for the response, @Bpc135798642 

It sounds like it might be a good time to look into getting a new Roku remote. Your current one has done a great job, but it’s starting to show some issues due to its age. A new remote will help you get back to enjoying your favorite shows and movies in no time.

To view replacement remotes, you can visit this link: Roku Remotes and Accessories.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

Roku Community Team.

Takashi O.
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Re: Voice remote stuck on green blinking light


Streaming Sticks come with Voice Remotes which connect via WiFi that can reach through behind TV sers, where Streaming Sticks normally are used.  They can be used with both Roku TVs and Roku streaming devices, except for some very old models that are no longer supported.  WiFi remotes must be paired with the Roku unit they are to control. 

Your picture is of a remote for a TCL Roku TV.   Itcscshowing sugns if heavy wear (and maybe chewing by a pet?).  These remotes control by infrared (IR), not WiFi, and do not need to be paired, in fact they cannot be.  They just work when pointed at the IR sensor on a Roku TV or Device.   IR remotes cannot be used with Streaming Stick models  because Streaming Sticks do no not have IR  sensors.  Remotes for Roku TVs use a different set of IR commands than Roku devices do, so Roku TV remotes can ONLY be used with Roku TVs, although for the most part they are interchangeable for Roku TVs from other manufacturers.

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