Hello I’m having a similar issue. The Roku device it’s the oval one flat bottom
was given to me by friends who didn’t need it just the remote. They eventually lost that one too.
I tried for hours to get my touch screen all in one hp windows fo switch over to hdmi mode. I figure with it being touch and it’s connected to my network maybe I could get it to sync.
apparently. My computer will bring up the prompt of the keys I should use in hdmi mode but won’t actually take me to it.
can anyone guide me or am I wasting my time ?
What are you trying to do with your computer? Most computers have HDMI ports, but most of those ports are output ports. The Roku also has an HDMI output port. So Rokus and computers are normally not connected to each other. TVs have HDMI input ports, and that is what a Roku is normally connected to.
I plugged the device into the port on my computer to try to connect it to the network and the computer won’t switch to hdmi mode.
@GinaWalls that won't work. The HDMI port on your computer is output only. It will not act as an input and display the signal from the Roku. You must connect the Roku to a display (TV or computer monitor) that has an HDMI input.
I found an really easy option, I have a rca universal remote that is programmed to my Sony TV, it has never been connected to a streaming device, but any time I click the stream button I can operate my streaming device and it works on both my firestick and roku remote.
@AlphaSheWolf87 that can work with a standard Roku player, but the Roku Stick players do not support IR, so any non-Roku remote cannot control it if it's not connected to a network.
Method 3 - straight money. Great solution.