I have looked through all the specs and it is not listed anywhere for this device. I just purchased this model but I am skeptical to use it without knowing the amount of storage in the device.
My older Roku Ultra LT keeps running out of memory and I finally added a 64k card that I hope will eliminate the issue for that device.
If your "old" Ultra LT is model 4662 from 2019, it has 1 GB system memory and 512K channel storage.
All Ultras since the 4800 in 2020 (including Ultra LT 4801 and current Ultra 4850) have 2 GB system memory and 4 GB channel storage.
Source: Wikipedia chart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roku#Feature_comparison
Wikipedia says 4GB.
I have no proof, but also no reason to doubt that.
That's around 60,000 times more than a 64K card has (if you really meant K - even if you meant M, it's still way more.)
Do you mean a 64 GB (gigabytes) card?
Make sure you format the card and that the card is one that is compatible with the device. Apps usually are 50 to 100 MB (megabytes) in size. For reference, depending on how many apps you have, 1 Gigabyte is equal to 1000 Megabytes.
I would also suggest doing a system restart or unplugging the Roku for 30 to 60 seconds to help clear the cache of the Roku device as that may help your memory issues as well.
If your "old" Ultra LT is model 4662 from 2019, it has 1 GB system memory and 512K channel storage.
All Ultras since the 4800 in 2020 (including Ultra LT 4801 and current Ultra 4850) have 2 GB system memory and 4 GB channel storage.
Source: Wikipedia chart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roku#Feature_comparison
Why are newer Ultras no longer expandable by micro sd cards?
It makes sense to offer that option.
@SuePhil Cheaper to make without a card slot, so more profit, less cost.
Sorry, I meant a 64GB card...
The Ultra LT only has 512MB of storage. All newer Roku's have 4GB (the basic Express still only has a pathetic 256MB).
For anyone reading, don't confuse Roku channel memory with the storage memory used by most other devices. Roku apps work differently, and don't need as much memory. My 4GB Ultra has a ton of apps on it, with never a complaint about running out. When I had an 8GB Fire TV stick, I ran out of memory with only half the apps installed.
A couple of things about Roku and SD cards:
There are a lot of complaints about various cards not working. (To be fair, many small devices get these compatibility and corruption complaints.)
I've read multiple times that no matter how big an SD card you install, no more than 2GB will ever be used.
So 4GB right in the unit with no need to worry about compatibility seems pretty reasonable.
Newer Ultra models (RTD1x1x SoC-based: 48xx) have significantly more channel storage memory (4GB) than previous models (4660/4670 = 512MB; 4640 = 1GB).
Furthermore RokuOS apps are limited to 4MB in size (yes - 4MB) not including cache/data, so that goes quite a long ways into 4GB of storage, mooting the necessity of a clunky SD port and SD card compability issues.