I purchased an Apple TV.
I will be replacing my Roku with it next week when I have time to spend on learning to use it and setting it up.
I had been a very happy Roku customer up to now.
Not any more.
I sent them the opt out letter. It should be there any day.
This is disgraceful!
Makes me wonder what else they have up their sleeve if they are so forceful about the arbitration clause.
Why are they so worried about getting sued?
My Roku won't even display the home screen. I have checked all wires/connections, etc. but when I hit the button to display my channels I get nothing at all. Roku turns the TV on, but I can't get to the Roku menu. HELP!!!!
@jharle508 wrote:My Roku won't even display the home screen. I have checked all wires/connections, etc. but when I hit the button to display my channels I get nothing at all. Roku turns the TV on, but I can't get to the Roku menu. HELP!!!!
This is a completely separate issue from what's being discussed here. You should start a new thread, and make sure you mention exactly what Roku you have by model number, not just the name.
Just opened the Roku app to use private listening and I’m being forced to agree to a new TOS with arbitration. I don’t agree to this TOS change. You can’t sell us a TV for 100s of dollars and then change the terms under which we can use it. This is unacceptable. The only way to opt out is onerous and manual by sending a physical letter. Fix this or I’m sending all My Roku products back.
I hope Roku goes bankrupt
So I found another way through this other post saying to go to your Roku account and turn your stuff into guest mode it bypasses all the bull**bleep** and then we'll ask you how long you're going to be using this until you check out I just put till 2033
TOS: Dispute Resolution Terms
Seriously??? I can’t use the Roku device that I bought and own unless I agree to your new Dispute Resolution Terms???
If I don’t agree you brick my device??? Seriously??? What idiot thought that was a good way to do business???
Now I’ll never buy another Roku products in my lifetime.
The terms are not new. Just a minor update. The no class action and arbitration clauses have been there all along.
This was bull**bleep** how they did this.