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My Roku Voice Remote came with the Roku soundbar, it drains batteries every week or two. I have it for almost two months and replaced batteries 5 times already! It's very very frustrating. Remote model is RC-AL7. Any helps will be appropriated!
It has been suggested that this can be caused by your wifi router using a channel that is crowded with a bunch of nearby routers using the same channel. Your remote has to work too hard constantly sorting through the information packets from all those other devices and it uses up the batteries much too quickly.
If you have access to your router's setup, try configuring it to use a different WiFi channel to see if this helps the situation. In the 2.4 GHz band, channels 1, 6, and 11 do not overlap each other and so give you the best chance at reducing congestion, so try each in succession, although depending on what channels your neighbors are using other channels may work best. Also, reducing router bandwidth from 40 to 20 kHz may also reduce interference.
Reducing congestion and interference can also improve your data transmission rates.
Several people have reported this solved their problem Most never report back so frankly, I don't know how good this suggestion is. Please report back to let us know how you make out.
I have the battery drainage issue. I have re-started the system but this does not cure the problem.
My remote S.N.: 215054702965. I understand Roku is sending new remotes. I would like one please. Thank you.
Thanks for the post.
Can you please provide more information about the issue you are experiencing? What Roku model device are you using? Are you using private listening feature with your remote? What are the steps to reproduce the issue you are seeing?
With more information we will be able to assist you further.
Hi Danny,
I recently started using the headphone feature on the Roku remote and LOVE it, however it's draining the batteries every couple of weeks or less. Is there any tips or tricks i can use so i'm not going through so many batteries? Before i was using the headphone feature, the batteries were lasting for months so i think for some reason using the headphone feature is draining them.
Thanks for the inquiry.
Please be aware that using the private listening feature with your remote will use more power than without using that feature. To avoid any unwanted remote battery drain, we would recommend to make sure you unplug the remote when done streaming and not in use.
I am having the same issue. My batteries are needing to be replaced weekly. The power is plugged into a outlet and the software is up to date.
Please help. @RokuDanny-R
sku: 3226000284
model: RC-AL2
Hey @Kwatson210
Thank for the post.
Please reply here with the serial number of the Roku device associated with the affected remote. It consists of 12 alphanumeric characters and can be found in Settings > System > About.
Once we have the needed information, we'll be able to forward it to our support team for assistance.
All the best,
Appreciate the prompt response.
I have passed along your information and concern to our Support team. They will follow up and further assist you through email.
All the best,