I Have a 4800 Roku Ultra and I am trying to set the 2 buttons (1 and 2) to shortcuts.
When I hold it for 5 seconds on a channel it shows a screen showing which item I want to short cut.
I then choose "channel".
Then it shows me an instruction screen on how to set the shortcut instead of setting the shortcut.
Once I click "ok" to that. I am back where I started. !!
What am I missing here?
Hi, @alan93
Thanks for posting, and welcome to the Roku Community.
If you are having trouble setting up your Roku remote shortcut buttons, kindly visit this support article for detailed instructions on How to create a personal shortcut button.
We hope this works.
All the best,
If you're trying to set a Live TV channel as a shortcut, I don't think that's possible. Roku really shot themselves in the foot when they used the term "Channel" to refer to what everyone else would call an app so they could confuse cable TV users. When that screen comes up it's telling you how to set a shortcut to a Home Screen app.
@westner, it's clear we're never going to agree, but stop trying to say I don't know what I'm talking about. I can't emphasize this enough - when it says "Channel" on that popup menu it means "App". That's how it works now and nothing you say will change the meaning of "Channel" on that popup. The question was about setting a shortcut to a Live channel and it appears to be impossible now from the popup menu. Prove that last sentence wrong or move on!
@alan93 I'll be glad to.
You're done! Repeat for the other button if needed. This however is not a solution to the problem, it's only a workaround. Roku still needs to fix the Setup Page so that hitting "OK" should select "Channel" and NOT take you to an "Instructions Page".
Hi, @alan93
Thanks for posting, and welcome to the Roku Community.
If you are having trouble setting up your Roku remote shortcut buttons, kindly visit this support article for detailed instructions on How to create a personal shortcut button.
We hope this works.
All the best,
I don't think you even read what I wrote. !!
I already did that and the on screen display did not indicated it accepted the short cut. Instead it showed me an instruction screen. !!
Now what?
Thanks for the update!
We would recommend performing a system restart on your device and then trying again to see if that works.
If the issue persists, please get back here and share with us the details below.
Please keep us posted!
Are you in Canada? The shortcut keys don't work there.
No I am in the U.S.
If you're trying to set a Live TV channel as a shortcut, I don't think that's possible. Roku really shot themselves in the foot when they used the term "Channel" to refer to what everyone else would call an app so they could confuse cable TV users. When that screen comes up it's telling you how to set a shortcut to a Home Screen app.
Thanks, I will hope for a streaming device that allows channels to shortcut in the future so I don't have to rely on Roku's limitations, which are many.
@alan93, it seems that Roku made a software change that makes it impossible to assign a 'channel' to either of the two Shortcut Buttons on the Pro Remote, even though you clearly explained in your first post why not. And according to @RokuERey it doesn't help to restart the system. I tried. Referring to visual instructions is of no help either.
@renojim, you don't know what you're talking about. I've been using those buttons for nearly 2 years for my OTA channels. This problem started only recently with a Roku software update and and when one of those channels went off the air.
Normally, when you press the "OK" button, you select the highlighted choice and you're all set. Right? Wrong! Just as the instructions on the page state, pressing the "OK" button brings up the Instruction Page on how to set the Shortcut Buttons. That is clearly a Roku mistake and can only be corrected by Roku if a Mod or two notifies them.
C'mon Mods. Tell Roku that they messed up (again).
@westner, of course I know what I'm talking about. My comment only has to do with how it works now and what "Channel" means in the current context. If it worked differently before, that's a different issue, but it doesn't make me wrong.