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Reel Rookie

YouTube TV Keeps Disappearing

YouTube TV app stopped working yesterday, the icon was there but it wouldn’t launch. The icon for it then disappeared. I updated the software on my Rokus and had to sign into the Roku app to remove and add the icon back. Now it continues to disappear and I have had to complete the process at least four times and sign back into the app each time. I have four Rokus and this is getting to be really annoying. This isn’t happening on my Fire TV. What is going on?

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: YouTube TV Keeps Disappearing

Hi Community Users!

Thanks for flagging this issue here in the Roku Community!

We noticed that you're encountering an issue with your Roku apps that keeps on disappearing. We'd like to investigate this issue. 

Could you please provide the following information below?

  • Roku device model, serial number, device ID, and Software Version. (these can all be found in Settings > System > About)
  • Tracker ID (when you see this issue occur, press the Home button five times, followed by the Back button five times, and provide us with this ID)
  • Channel build version (Highlight the app from the Home Screen and press the Star * Button)
  • A short video or photo of the incident. 

We are looking forward to your response. 

All the best,

Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: App keeps disappearing and not visible in main menu

This is the same problem many of us have been experiencing, not necessarily that specific App.  It appears to be a Roku issue that they are not owning up to.  I have five (5) Roku devices, and a Roku 24" TV, and never had any problems until recently.  I have experienced this same issue with three (3) different Roku devices lately.

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: YouTube TV Keeps Disappearing

Here is the information requested. The YouTube TV app keeps disappearing from my list of apps and I have to go to the Roku app on my mobile device to remove and add it back. 

Model Number: 3820R2

Software Version:

Device ID: S0J733CTH5DG

Channel Build Version: 2.24 Build 92

Tracker ID: Unable to obtain. Pressing the home button x5 and then the back button x5 does nothing. 

No video to see other than the app is not there u til I delete it from the mobile app and then reinstall it. 

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: YouTube TV Keeps Disappearing

Hi, @Jcm43 

Thanks for keeping us posted.

We have forwarded the information and your concern to our team for further investigation. We will keep you informed and updated once there are any developments with the investigation.

In the meantime, we hope for your patience and understanding as we work on this.

Best wishes,

Takashi O.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos

Re: Disney plus dissapered off my tv app


I am having the same issue but with other apps, Max, Disney plus, Apple TV, NFL, etc. Please stop with the system restart; it doesn't work. With the holidays coming up, Roku might want to put some more effort into fixing this issue. I have 5 Roku devices, and this is happening on all of them. Please get your act together and fix this issue. You are not the only game in town!!

0 Kudos
Channel Surfer

Re: Can’t Add App to Home Screen

I just did a factory reset and that did not solve the issue. 

0 Kudos
Channel Surfer

Re: Can’t Add App to Home Screen

"Walla!" ... actually "VOILA" 

voi·​là vwä-ˈlä  
variants or voila
used to call attention, to express satisfaction or approval, or to suggest an appearance as if by magic


Vwa-Lah, Wa-Lah, Wa-La: The Many Misspellings of Voilà

Voilà is a French borrowing into English that has mostly retained its Francophonic pronunciation: \vwä-ˈlä\, or \vwah-LAH\. It is clear that the \v\ in the pronunciation of voilà is sometimes not heard, and this, combined with the mismatch between voilà’s spelling and pronunciation, has led to a number of misspellings of the word based on its pronunciation. We have seen evidence for vwa-lah, vwah-la, wa-lah, wa-la, wah-lah, wallah, and even viola (for those who remember the letters in the word, if not the particular order of them). While these misspellings are more common in informal writing, we have started seeing them in newspapers and other edited sources as well. The correct spelling is voilà: if you have a hard time remembering how to spell it, you can use the mnemonic that voilà very often is misspelled.


0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: YouTube TV Keeps Disappearing

The problem seems to have resolved itself. To resolve, I had to delete the YouTube TV app from the devices from my Roku App on my phone/tablet. I was then able to add the YTTV app back and it finally stuck after doing this 3 to 4 times. 

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Disney plus dissapered off my tv app

Hi, @damk10 

Welcome to the Roku Community.

We understand the issue you have encountered with the apps that disappeared on your Roku device, and we'd like to gather more details referring to the issue so our team can look into this further.

  • Roku device model, serial number, device ID, and OS version. (this can all be found in Settings > System > About)
  • Tracker ID (when you see this issue occur, press the Home button 5 times, followed by the Back button 5 times, and provide us with this ID)
  • Specific behavior of the issue.

The information we gather about the issue will allow our team to review it and take further action toward a resolution.

Best wishes,

Takashi O.
Roku Community Moderator
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