How do cancel my subscription and get a refund for my 79.99 charge for a Hallmark subscription?
Hi, @Jwhite30520.
Welcome to the Roku Community!
We see that you wanted to cancel your subscription and want a refund. No worries, we're here to help.
Here are the steps to cancel a subscription:
For the refund, you may contact our Account and Billing team for further assistance. Visit our Account and Billing Support page and select the "Account, payments & subscriptions" category. You'll have an option to call or chat with us.
Moreover, you may visit this support article on how to turn off auto-renew and cancel a subscription
Hope this helps!
Hi, @Jwhite30520.
Welcome to the Roku Community!
We see that you wanted to cancel your subscription and want a refund. No worries, we're here to help.
Here are the steps to cancel a subscription:
For the refund, you may contact our Account and Billing team for further assistance. Visit our Account and Billing Support page and select the "Account, payments & subscriptions" category. You'll have an option to call or chat with us.
Moreover, you may visit this support article on how to turn off auto-renew and cancel a subscription
Hope this helps!
Good luck getting a refund from the sneaky bastards