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Reel Rookie

Roku Streaming stick, connection issue using Xfinity network


Roku model: 3820X2
Internet Provider: Xfinity 500mbps plan

I bought my Roku Streaming Stick specifically to view long videos on Youtube for a bit of ambient scenery. My Roku Streaming Stick will get about fifteen minutes in, then hit me with a message that reads ‘No connection. Connect to the Internet now, or set it up later at: Settings > Network > Check Connection’.

Once this message is received, the system locks up. The remote becomes unresponsive and I cannot click anything. You are forced to shut the television off and try again. Rinse and repeat, forever.

This has happened while streaming Youtube, MAX, and Paramount+

I am completely frustrated with this product. It’s the only device in my household that has internet connectivity issues. I even spent $17 to send back my original one for a replacement, and this new one is giving me the same issue.

It feels so buggy. My Roku Streaming Stick+ works perfectly fine so I have a suspicion there’s something going on specifically with this one’s model or current update. The internet dropouts and interface freezes did not start until around DEC 2023.

My internet is very fast/reliable and the device is usually directly next to the router. There’s no reason for this to be happening, and as I’ve said all of my other devices connect perfectly. It’s literally just this product giving me grief. I understand every service may have minuscule drops and flickers in internet, but for my whole Roku system to freeze and completely give up as a result seems like a very poor design quality. 

I wish I could have asked someone in customer service to send me a replacement Roku Streaming Stick+ instead for a bit more money, but there’s no hope of reaching a real person with authority there. I’m back to square one again with a faulty product. If this behavior keeps up it's completely useless for my needs.

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Ongoing Connectivity Issue

Hi @eboyle132,

Thanks for joining us here in the Roku Community!

We appreciate your report about this network issue and other playback issues going on and we're sorry to hear about the inconvenience.

Could you tell us how are you powering the Roku Streaming Stick? Is this powered by the wall outlet or directly to the TV USB port.

Also, we'd suggest connecting your device to an alternative network like a mobile hotspot and then trying to stream an amount of time to see if that reproduces the same issue.

Best regards,

Roku Community Moderator
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Reel Rookie

Re: Ongoing Connectivity Issue

The Roku Streaming Stick is plugged directly into the USB port whenever I use it on either television. Both experience the same internet dropout and freeze with this product. My other Roku Streaming Stick+ uses the same USB ports with no trouble. 

I do not use my phone often and only have a 1GB plan, so I could not test the connection longer than 20 minutes to conserve data. In the time the Roku Streaming Stick was on my mobile hotspot I did not experience the freeze. I went back to my usual network and the freeze happened within 20 minutes. 

This does not excuse the Roku Streaming Stick's behavior, however. No device should go unresponsive and inoperable because of a brief flicker in wifi connection, if that's what you suspect is happening. That's terrible. I regularly use a laptop, upload and download large files every day, stream for hours on my other Roku Stick+, and game on my ipad without any reported drop in connection or freezing. So why is this product specifically freaking out every time I try to use it. It's $50 down the drain, even more if you count the money I paid to ship it out for a replacement. 

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Ongoing Connectivity Issue


Thanks for the update!

We'd also recommend restarting the Roku device by navigating to Settings>>System>>System restart and then trying again to see if that makes a difference. If the issue persists, please report back here and share with us the details below.

  • Roku device model, serial number, device ID, and software OS/version (these can all be found in Settings > System > About)
  • Tracker ID when this issue occurs (when you see this issue occur, press the Home button 5 times, followed by the Back button 5 times, and provide us with this ID).

Once we have this information, we'll be able to forward this to the appropriate Roku team.


Roku Community Moderator
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Channel Surfer

Re: Roku Streaming Stick 4K (2022) Freezing

Since switching my Internet provider to Xfinity (from ATT) every morning my Roku 4K sticks (model 3820R2 software ver 12.5.5 build 4174-E6) are disconnected from the network and the screen is frozen on the home page. I've done troubleshooting with Roku tech support (case ID 9693079) with no luck.  It's very frustrating, the only solution I've found so far is switching one TV to a Firestick which seems to work fine! I've done all the setting changes I can find on the forum and from tech support... Any thoughts before I toss my Roku's in the dumpster of history? My new internet signal is excellent and 325Mps!

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Channel Surfer

Roku Stick keeps losing connection

Keeps happening to me on both my 4K sticks. They loose connection every time I stop watching TV. Replaced one with a Firestick and that works fine. Tried all the settings the Community and tech support suggested. No luck. I did just change my internet provider to Xfinity form ATT when it began happening. Stick won't stay connected to the network.

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Roku Stick keeps losing connection

Hi @av8rhutch,

A warm welcome here in the Roku Community!

We see that you're having the same issue on your Roku Streaming Stick and we appreciate you for letting us know about this. We'd like to be of support here and see how we can get you started.

You mention that this happens after the change with your ISP right? It may be possible that your system is outdated or the signal strength of your network connection is poor. You can perform the steps below on the device. 

Reset the network connection
  1. Press Home on your Roku remote.
  2. Scroll and select Settings.
  3. Select Advanced system settings.
  4. Select Network connection reset.
  5. Select Reset connection.

You can also refer to more troubleshooting on our support page here: How to fix internet errors and issues on your Roku streaming device.

Let us know if this works or if there's anything else we can further assist you.


Roku Community Moderator
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Channel Surfer

Re: Roku Stick keeps losing connection

Signal strength is excellent and at 325Mps. TV is 15 feet from gateway. Other TV is further from the gateway is switched to a firestick and works perfectly.  Have done the reset, turned of bandwidth saver, turned off power saver, done system update, done factory reset. Kind of running out of options.

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Roku Stick keeps losing connection

Thank you for keeping us posted, @av8rhutch!

We'll be glad to assist you further with this concern that you have with the Roku streaming stick since it will disconnect from your Wi-Fi. Please try to move your Roku device closer to your network router.

Please try doing this and see if it helps with what you're experiencing.


Roku Community Moderator
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Channel Surfer

Re: Roku Stick keeps losing connection

It's practically on top of the router now, don't think that's the issue.  Excellent/fast  signal.

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