Channel-specific feature requests would need to be directed toward the channel developer. Functionality within channels, including navigation, is controlled by the channel developer/provider who creates the channel. I'd recommend contacting YouTube TV support to share the feedback and request for their channel on the Roku platform.
I need this feature also but it looks like they have not responded yet.
I don't think this is a "Channel Specific" request. It is a request for Harmony to add that channel into their database for Roku that has the list of other supported Channels so Google Assistant can be used to start in that channel.
In the MyHarmony app, put the Roku in as a Roku 3. This will work even if you have a Roku Ultra or other model. There is a YouTube button for the Roku 3.
Thank you for the reply, but that was not the question. I'm not looking for a YouTube button, I'm looking for a YouTube TV button -- which is still not supported by Roku, as far as I can tell. I just now tried looking for it again by re-setting my Harmony commands. It also does not have a functioning Go Back or Previous Channel button that works with YouTube TV. Very frustrating.
I feel your pain, and nobody seems to care. I'm ready to give up on my Roku because it takes so long and so many button pushes to get to a channel on YoutubeTV. I want to hit the ON button and have the TV come on. Right now, the Roku comes on, then arrow over to select YouTubeTV, then OK, then arrow to select Live, then OK, then arrow down to a channel, then OK.
Doesn't sound like much, but when you are walking by and want to "switch on the news", it takes 20 seconds instead of 3!
First world problem...
I'm new to streaming, but almost every review points to YouTube TV as teh best general streaming service - yet Roku does not have a pre-programmed button (or option) to select it on startup - what gives?
I can assure you there isn't a Youtube tv command as of early this week.
I have a new Roku Ultra. The remote that came with it has buttons for Netflix, Hulu, ESPN and Sling. However, I have a Harmony Hub remote and I can program it to choose YouTube TV as the start channel when I push the TV button on my Harmony Remote. This is done in the programming of the remote. I set up an Activity called Watch YouTube TV. The Start Sequence is as follows:
Start TV
Start Roku Ultra
Set TV input
Starting Channel = YouTube TV
That is all there is to starting YouTube TV a Harmony universal remote.