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Sound & Remote issues prevail. No fix!

It's been a couple years now and I still have the same sound issues. It's on every streaming app including The Roku channel. My main streaming is DirectTV stream but it happens with Hulu, Discover+ , Disney, etc. I have several streaming apps and it's across the board. So to be clear, it's not the services! It's the Roku player! All troubleshooting has been done so please don't tell me to check for updates, reboot, restart etc. I need a real fix for this. 
It will sound normal then all of a sudden it fades into very loud, warped and static-filled music or dialogue. If you change the channel or back out of the program on any of the apps, it resets but the volume comes on lower than before so you then have to adjust that. I can't afford to buy another one. I have a Roku Ultra. I also have issues with the remotes on both Roku players. Only one has the volume problem but both have issues with connecting and saying the battery is low and not working even if the batteries are new and you have to reconnect them or pull the batteries in and out to make it work or whack it in your hand like  an old skool tv set! 
FYI I do not have external speakers, it's through my tv. I got rid of my last tv because I thought the sound was going out. Now I feel stupid because I got a new one and still ended up with the same problem.
Thanks in advance!

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Streaming Star

Re: Sound & Remote issues prevail. No fix!

Have you tried replacing your HDMI cable that connects the Roku to the TV?  Sometimes the cables go bad and need to be replaced or updating as the standards change from time to time.

For example, the Current HDMI version is 2.1b and a cable with old standards, such as an HDMI version 1, may give you issues with newer hardware.

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Roku Guru

Re: Sound & Remote issues prevail. No fix!

If your Ultra's are actually model 4670 (Settings/System/About) then the following doesn't apply:

Ultra 4640/4800/4802/4850:

1) Disable Dolby decoding/transcoding: Settings/Audio/Digital output format = Passthrough

All Roku models:

1) Disable sound modes: During playback - Press Options (*)/Volume modes = Off or Options(*)/Sound Settings/Customize sound modes = Off


1) Set stereo only output:  Settings/Audio/Digital output format = Stereo (since you are connecting to/through your TV & only using its speakers, your TV's Dolby decoder (if applicable) may be causing this).

2) Ad insertions/breaks are known to cause this - nothing can be done about this (complain to Roku app/service providers).

Remote issues:

1) Make sure the Roku's are connected only to a 5Ghz SSID (separate your 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz SSIDs), and try changing the 5Ghz channel in your modem/router/gateway (e.g. to 36 or 149 - do not use a DFS channel when having remote issues);  this is necessary because the remote communicates with the device using WiFi Direct, and the Roku's WiFi Direct channel "follows" the main WiFi channel. 

2) Do not allow your Rokus (or other streaming devices) to connect using 2.4Ghz due to the crowding/interference/bandwidth limitations in the 2.4Ghz bands unless there is no other option (e.g too far for 5Ghz).

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