This is strictly a remote issue.
If you look at the remotes infrared light with your phone's camera, you can tell when it's emitting light and when it is not.
Even with fresh batteries, the remote will stop working, intermittently.
This is also not a contact issue. Both ends of the batteries have positive contact.
This is an official Roku voice remote.
@realrobd wrote:This is strictly a remote issue.
If you look at the remotes infrared light with your phone's camera, you can tell when it's emitting light and when it is not.
Even with fresh batteries, the remote will stop working, intermittently.
This is also not a contact issue. Both ends of the batteries have positive contact.
This is an official Roku voice remote.
Those voice remotes are utter garbage, IMO. I have two Roku Ultra 4670Xs. The first remote worked fine for about 10 months, then started crashing the device when using earphones, then stopped pairing. The second remote worked fine for about a few months, then started crashing the device when using earphones. I ended up having to use the Roku app on my phone.
A Roku Voice remote if paired to Roku correctly it wouldn't emit IR commands but RF ones instead, so the camera wouldn't pick the RF commands.
Well, it does emit infrared and when it does, that's the only time it works.
This then points to the infrared and radio frequency not being mutually exclusive. That of course is irrelevant to the consumer.
Just another cheap product Roku is willing to put their name on, yet not stand by it.
Roku wifi voice remotes when not paired to given Roku, or if the Roku is unplugged, it would emit IR signals for Roku commands.
@realrobd wrote:This is strictly a remote issue.
If you look at the remotes infrared light with your phone's camera, you can tell when it's emitting light and when it is not.
Even with fresh batteries, the remote will stop working, intermittently.
This is also not a contact issue. Both ends of the batteries have positive contact.
This is an official Roku voice remote.
Those voice remotes are utter garbage, IMO. I have two Roku Ultra 4670Xs. The first remote worked fine for about 10 months, then started crashing the device when using earphones, then stopped pairing. The second remote worked fine for about a few months, then started crashing the device when using earphones. I ended up having to use the Roku app on my phone.
I’m having problems, the battery over, and than I buy new ones, but nothing happening, anyone can help me, what I do? Thanks!
Hello @Leovasckes
Thanks for the post.
To resolve your remote issue, the troubleshooting steps in this Support link might help: How to fix your Roku® voice or simple remote that is not working. Try giving it a shot.
Keep us updated!
All the best,
I tried but no success, the remote control, appear like no batteries, no signal led, nothing. And just the battery over, and than I put a new one. Nothing happening. Help me!
I looked with my phone, and nothing, no light coming, I bought 8 new batteries and no one works.
@Leovasckes, is there a little button inside the battery compartment of the remote?