Can I use Roku remote thats for my bedroom Roku to operate my living room Roku
It depends on the models of the Roku devices and the type of remote. If it's a "simple" remote with no microphone button or pairing button, it will work with any Roku player that's not a stick. Sticks plug directly into a TV without the need for an HDMI cable and only work with "voice" remotes. Voice remotes work with any Roku player or Roku TV manufactured within the last several years and most Roku devices ever manufactured, but must be paired to the Roku device and can only be paired to one device at at time. Roku TV remotes (that aren't voice remotes) only work with Roku TVs and are generally manufacturer specific, although may work with more than one manufacturer's TVs.
Post the model numbers of your Roku devices as displayed under Settings->System->About and what kind of remote you have if you need more help.
With fresh batteries in the RC-AL7 remote, unplug the power from the new Roku for a bit, wait a few seconds plug back in after it stops bouncing, press and hold the pairing button in the battery compartment of the remote for 5 seconds, release just let it communicate with Roku. Don't touch another key.
It depends on the models of the Roku devices and the type of remote. If it's a "simple" remote with no microphone button or pairing button, it will work with any Roku player that's not a stick. Sticks plug directly into a TV without the need for an HDMI cable and only work with "voice" remotes. Voice remotes work with any Roku player or Roku TV manufactured within the last several years and most Roku devices ever manufactured, but must be paired to the Roku device and can only be paired to one device at at time. Roku TV remotes (that aren't voice remotes) only work with Roku TVs and are generally manufacturer specific, although may work with more than one manufacturer's TVs.
Post the model numbers of your Roku devices as displayed under Settings->System->About and what kind of remote you have if you need more help.
Model number rc- A17
How to pair with another roku
With fresh batteries in the RC-AL7 remote, unplug the power from the new Roku for a bit, wait a few seconds plug back in after it stops bouncing, press and hold the pairing button in the battery compartment of the remote for 5 seconds, release just let it communicate with Roku. Don't touch another key.
I have a Roku Express but my 4k streaming Roku device isn't pairing to it
What's the model number of the express? If it's a 3700 express it can't be paired with any Roku wifi remote, only Roku IR remotes.
but I'll upload a picture of it because I can't do anything when it turns on I'm new to Roku and I know absolutely nothing about it if I can upload one but it's the small square one with micro USB and HDMI and a reset button in the back
Hi Community User,
Welcome to the Roku community!
We appreciate your inquiry about pairing your remote with a different Roku device, and we'd be happy to provide some guidance. The compatibility largely depends on the specific models of your Roku devices and the type of remote you are using.
If your Roku remote does not have a microphone or a pairing button, it is referred to as a Roku player remote. You don't need to pair this remote, simply insert fresh batteries or remove the battery pull tab. Once you've done that, your remote will be ready to use immediately.
For the Roku streaming device includes a Roku voice remote, you will need to pair it by following the steps below:
Additionally, to connect a remote to a different device, we highly recommend using the Roku mobile app or another compatible Roku remote with your streaming device. Follow these steps to put your device into pairing mode from the Settings menu.
Hope this helps!
I have a similar question it turns out. I searched for changing a remote to an older one I have and like the feel of better and landed on this page as an answer.
I have very recently gotten an Express after using a Model 2 2720X. I find that I like the feel of the RC07 remote that came with the Model 2 that I had gotten used and had been using. Can I switch from the RC-ALIR remote that came with the Express to the RC07 that I have from the Model 2 2720X?
If the RC07 will work with the Express, what are the exact steps to do so? I think I know based on what was posted above but want to be sure.
By the way, after having gotten different remotes for different Roku devices to use with different TVs (used in different rooms) I have noticed they all seem to come with pre-labeled quick switch buttons with different labels on different remotes. This does not make sense to me as not everyone wants to go to the same places.