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Reel Rookie

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

My "my feed" also disappeared around July 17th. I can search a movie and it does everything like it used to - saying it will let me know when that movie becomes available on "my feed"... that no longer exists. Also, the theme changed to Happy Holidays complete with snow. I really want " my feed" back.

Roku Guru

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

I suggest you contact Roku CS:

chat/email/phone:    https://support.roku.com/contactus/contact-options    (choose setup/ultra/other/need more help?)

You might also want to message @RokuDanny-R  @RokuMary-F  or @RokuKariza-D  and inform them of the issue as well.

Streaming Star

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

And now the System Restart has moved to under the Power heading!  I don't know what the h*ll Roku is doing but they need to stop and redo things! I'm trying to find the My Feed heading also and if I could find the person/people who decided this was the way to go, I'd have a meeting of the minds with them.

Streaming Star

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

On the reply to this one "Streameruser" decided the person asking about MY FEED wanted to see the bleeping Tokyo Olympics instead of MY FEED and told them how to get to see that!  WHERE IS "MY FEED" AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE OLYMPICS!  I have a lot of movies and shows that I'd like to see eventually that I've saved to MY FEED and want to see that back.  Roku - you need to get your act together and if anyone wants to reply to one of these postings, be sure what you're answering and that you understand the question.  The question is WHERE IS THE "MY FEED?"

Roku Guru

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

@tb542  See previous posts for answer to your question.

(If you read the entire thread you'll know the answer to your question and where to address your issues with it)

0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

I have read the entire thread and there is no solution except for Roku to fix it.  I've already contacted them as have many others (so it isn't just my problem) and it isn't fixed yet so there is no solution.  A solution means it solves the problem and there's nothing on this thread that solves it and gets "My Feed" back. 

Community Streaming Expert

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

@StreamerUser wrote:

To make the "2020 Tokyo Olympics" Home screen option appear: 

1) Go to Settings/Home Screen and show "Featured Free" + "Movie Store and TV Store" + "My Offers" (show them all).

2) The "2020 Tokyo Olympics" setting then appears both here (Settings/Home screen/2020 Tokyo Olympics) and at the Home screen and is enabled ("show") by default - you can choose Hide to disable it.

I had the display of My Feed turned off on all three of my current Roku installations.  2020 Tokyo Olympics showed up on 2 of the 3 (Streaming Stick+, TCL Roku TV) but did not show up on my older Streaming Stick.

The instructions from @StreamerUser above added 2020 Tokyo Olympics to my Streaming Stick as well.  (After the fact, I'm not sure that 2020 Tokyo Olympics showed up in the Settings/Home screen listing immediately, but it was definitely there when I returned to the actual Home screen, and later when I returned to Settings/Home screen.)  After doing this I could then remove the options I did not want shown and 2020 Tokyo Olympics stayed in place.


Roku Community Streaming Expert
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Ultra 4800 | Streaming Stick 4K+ 3821 | TCL Roku TV 43S245/C107X
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!  I DON'T WANT THE BLEEPING OLYMPICS LINK SHOWN - I'VE ALREADY DISABLED IT!!!!  I WANT THE "MY FEED" LINK BACK!!!  If you can't help then obviously your goal on earth to aggravate me has been fulfilled so you can go back to your mother ship now!

Streaming Star

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

LOL!! I agree, how did this thread turn into a  "How to turn on the Olympic Feed" question and not how to get the "My Feed" option back?   

Are people saying that turning on the Olympic feed and then back off again or vice-versa somehow addresses the "My Feed" issue? If so, I will try it again, but that did not help me.


Streaming Star

Re: Where is My Feed Menu Option

I did that too - several times. I unplugged the tv, I checked the software version, I checked for updates, I restarted the system (found they had moved that from Settings over to a sub-link of Power), I stood on my left leg and closed my right eye and nothing works (I did fall over though). I finally emailed Roku about it but haven't heard anything back from them yet. I imagine they'll try to be politically correct and tell me something that is meant to soothe me and make me go along with them (little do they know, that doesn't work with me). We'll see. If/when I hear from them, I'll post on here.

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