Initially when I opened the Spectrum chanel the selections were in numerical order. Now they are scrambled, making it difficult to find content. How do I get them back in numerical order?
@JBS99 Thanks for reaching out. For questions regarding the features, functionality, or issues you may encounter inside a specific channel, you'll want to reach out to that channel provider directly for more help. Spectrum develops and maintains their channel (app) and can best assist with any questions you may have. You can reach their support team here:
@JBS99 Thanks for reaching out. For questions regarding the features, functionality, or issues you may encounter inside a specific channel, you'll want to reach out to that channel provider directly for more help. Spectrum develops and maintains their channel (app) and can best assist with any questions you may have. You can reach their support team here:
I experienced this same problem. I did call Spectrum and they made it sound as if it was a one off problem. If there a way for Roku to push them for a fix in a future release?
Same problem. On guide goes from 99, 36, 42, 24, 23, 48, 40, 41, 57 etc.
i have a photo of the guide but can’t post it
This does not address the situation described!
Theses “stock generic solutions” do not address the problem.
Looks like this is fixed now. Not sure if it was a Roku or Spectrum app issue
Arrow-over to the left using Roku remote until you see the live channel guide. Arrow-over once more to the left and under "sort by" you'll see "channel" or "network". Make sure "channel" is checked.
Thanks, Rainman! This fixed my problem.