So they are insulating themselves from legal action?
I blocked my credit card to them quite a while back.
So I should be OK.
I am running Apple TV now!
Bricking my unit was unacceptable.
According to those articles the attack is believed to be a credential stuffing attack, where the thieves use passwords stolen from other sites against some target site. (Where the target in this case was Roku.)
So, the believed security failure there would be that at least 15,000 out of Roku’s 80,000,000 accounts (about 0.02%) used the same credentials in some other place(s) that got hacked. That seems very plausible, and I don’t think that the target site would be blamed for that. (I mean legally blamed – sure some people might complain on a forum.) As such, this would seem like an extreme overreaction if it were just for that.
I will say that in general, when companies moved from having people create user names to having people use their email address as their user names, they increased the likelihood of this style of attack. But that’s a common issue of choosing convenience over security that happens all over.
If Owe on car to Tesla and miss a Payment, they could in a way do that because until paid off then you dont have full title to the car. They might as well as some places might, come by home and Boot the car till make payment otherwise they can take car back as could any Dealer bought owing dealership..or its finance co.
So the example of tesla doing something to a Car where car owner Owes and is Late making Required payment isn't same as here having Roku Brick and block use of a Tv/box/stick unless agree to their Terms.
Because with tesla example, one doesn't fully own the car...Tesla still retains an ownership in the car.
Dan, I know that feeling (Bolt lease gone bad) as I had the Ford (and others) Takata airbag recall a while back. I actually created a "Kevlar blankie" for the passenger-side dashboard airbag and used it for a year until they finally did replace it. Never needed it thankfully. Others on this webpage reminded me of Roku's other "data breech" incident and I finally got around to changing my p/w and removing my cc info as I won't be purchasing much from Roku in the future. I'd sure recommend that others Roku users do the same to "stay safer" - whatever that means in today's world. Now i can sleep better mebbe. The breech may not be related to the forced arbitration fiasco, but a "good to know" thing to address by subscribers.
Sorry but that doesn't Fly.
Loads of things have software, your Computer runs on Microsoft software,
an O/S Microsoft cannot just sudden brick/block ones use of their
Computer unless one Agrees to some TOS change...and has only one option...AGREE or continue be locked out of it and so locked out of ones personal property.
Neither can ROKU just do this...brick and lock one out of use of their paid for TV or Box or sticks use.
One might be required to agree to updated TOS to continue to be provided with like software Updates.
The Biggest problem is way Roku set up the opt out, by slow process, snail mail, requiring a load of personal info, even receipts... to something might have bought 5 years ago.
There should been a Agree/Don't agree choice, if no agreement then
zero roku future updates to software, no access to roku channel, no access perhaps to services getting via roku like say subscription to hbo max etc via in paying/to roku billing for it not hbo max. All which direct involve roku.
Otherwise if one uses it to access say hulu where one is direct paying hulu or access free channels like Tubi, no direct roku involvement..bricking use of property person, NOT ROKU, owns is illegal.
Upshot is Roku just destroyed its business.
Many finding TV, box etc bricked this way and sudden unusable
not even able get emergency broadcasts on Tv! Are Not going to ever buy another Roku product.
People that Recently bought them are likely going be returning to stores for full refunds and buying TV's that are not tied to some company... Roku...Amazon...Apple...
BRICKING ones property and a TV, box, stick IS property is illegal way they done this...
July a Florida law comes in force on comnpanys and personal information..roku will be bound to the state law or not be able sell its tvs/devices in Florida.
Within State laws is laws on contracts and product law.
Tv's, boxes, sticks are property, if Roku and any want such Full control they they should either be required give away such as Free equipment and charge a monthly service charge to use or else once Bought, be required forever to freely replace if any go bad, because if Roku claims it still owns rights to the equipment then Roku is responsible for its care and replacement way a cable Tv/internet provider has to for free replace the needed boxes for the service.
By Bricking our Roku devices then Roku is asserting it still owns them in that case I should get free replacements on my out dated Roku devices I cannot use, those years old that no longer been supported.
A Free Tv replacement if it stops working properly. Even 10 years later!
As Far as software and roku owning..dont agree.. no future software updates.
But don't Brick use. Especially blocking any use of a TV
I dont have a Roku Tv and now will NEVER buy one... My old Tv bought back in like 2005 is not Smart i use devices for streaming. I have a Firestick besides Roku box thing is my Spectrum TV , we get cable Tv here included, App only is available in a roku box,
I have my old Tv in a place far from cable outlet so I use Roku to stream my spectrum
to it.
I'll be complaining to Spectrum bout this, and request Spectrum either get an App for amazon devices too or else provide Us with some type of streaming device in fact Rokus shot selves in foot, I can foresee Cable tv/internet providers offering own streaming devices.
People will not buy Roku tV's in future once its around what Roku did..bricking use
with no quick way to disagree and still use .
I bet you stores may soon have big discounts on Roku TV's if people dont buy them and they accumulate in warehouses.. this is all over many forums not just here but in many outside forums...
Legally the way they did this it be likely in any court held as a "blackmail" and roku not allowed to enforce on peiple that agree just so they regained use of their bought and paid for devices.
It Is a Blackmail.. agree or your paid for tv/box is unusable...and in case of Tv thats hundreds of value
A snippet from one of my maaaaaany chats with support on this issue:
Don't throw away your TV just yet if you did not hit agree to the illegal forced arbitration then you could go to your Roku account and turn yourself on to guest mode you will just have to set the date in which you want to get rid of that and it will not ask you to agree to their illegal arbitration update. I hope Roku goes out of business and his bankrupted with class action lawsuits, after all why would they need to force arbitration if they aren't planning to do illegal activities against the people buying their substandard products.
This deserves its own post, but in what is unlikely to surprise anyone here:
From Over 15,000 hacked Roku accounts sold for 50¢ each to buy hardware - 11 Mar 2024,
Update 3/11/24: After the publication of our article, Roku disputed what we we were told, stating that the new Dispute Resolution Terms are not related to the hacked accounts and fraudulent acitivities.
Roku hackers breach 15,000 accounts and are selling them online 12 Mar 2024
From Office of the Maine @torney General Data Breach Notifications:
Date(s) Breach Occured: 12/28/2023 - 2/21/2024
Date Breach Discovered: 1/4/2024 - 2/21/2024
Thousands of Roku accounts hacked including credit cards — what you need to know 12 Mar 2024
Over 15,000 Roku Accounts Hacked & Sold Online to Use Peoples Saved Credit Cards 11 Mar 2024
and similar reporting in many other outlets.