Even though I want to rate my favorite channels or apps, it seems entirely unavailable to do so.
Could you please provide information on how this rating system works and how I can rate channels or apps?
more proof developers/apps/Roku don't really give a flying flip about customers as do all the price hikes.
No more ability to rate an app OR provide feedback when pressing the * key while clicked on an app before launching.
Since when? Why?
whose bright idea was that. guess it matters not since they never gave a flying flip anyway. but it just proves and reinforces how little we really matter.
I agree. The rating and feedback options were available until a month or so ago. In another post, Roku informs a member that they only support the Roku app and media player. I would hope the feedback and ratings had been forwarded to the app developer, but who knows. It would be nice if an app's * menu would provide a link, or at least show the web address to the developer for feedback. I am barely on the Roku side of the fence - the other side being the Firestick. The few reasons I use a Roku Ultra Lite to stream instead of the Firestick are gradually going away. The ability to load unsupported "secret" channels with a code going away was one. Now the rating and feedback is gone. The home screen forces me to see movie and channel ads on 1/3 of the screen. This is bad - especially since I have "Hide" checked on every view option under Settings/Home. Why do device hardware providers have to control what we watch? Surely the channels they host are a source of funds. Probably the desire to maximize profits. Too bad there aren't enough tech savvy customers to make hardware choices. That would encourage some user friendliness.
Hello! @Heyyojin,
A friendly welcome from the Roku Community!
Thank you for reaching out to us about your feedback. No worries; we'll share it with the team.
Please login using the desktop version and click on the 5-stars for our Roku app linked below:
Thank you!
Please login using the desktop version and click on the 5-stars for our Roku app linked below:
Thank you!