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Streaming Star

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

Hi Grogerus, 

Fully understand what you have said and the thought has crossed my mind aswell. Am keeping my eyes open for deals from competitor/s in the meantime. From a Roku perspective their view will reflect the benefits or otherwise to the business given Iplayer may be a reason for purchasing their product yet it doesn't as a channel guarantee much in the way of direct revenue otherwise than those who choose to purchase a later Roku model.

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Binge Watcher

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

Agree with what you say, in my situation I mainly use iPlayer to watch news and breakfast tv, but how ironic is it if you can’t receive it as bbc is the reason we pay our tv license fee. 

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Streaming Star

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

Absolutely 100%. The BBC is not coming forward with the true current status either which suggests it may well be out of their hands to influence Roku to any degree ..... that's the feeling I am getting increasingly.

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Channel Surfer

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

To Steve704,  Thanks for the pointer as to finding the full build ID.  Mine is 4193-91.  Interestingly, as I said before, the unit case is stamped 3920X, the box shows 3920UK but the system/about screen declares 3920EU..!.. a true mongrel.

I have just checked and I do assure you that iPlayer still works for me... I will post if it stops.

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Streaming Star

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

Hi roger_c, thanks for your latest input. I think I can likely explain the confusion over your model number:

3920 X is Roku's generic model number for this particular hardware before it is customised for a specific market ie. UK etc. The 3920-UK on the carton will be a marketing/ logistic code to make sure the product ends up where it is supposed to, and I'm guessing (could be wrong) that 3920-EU is the model number for EU countries which at the time these units were manufactured included the UK. The main code (version 11.0.0) was recently deployed by Ruku across all its supported units (started in March 22 and gradually rolled out across their models). The specific code for the UK model 3920-EU currently is 4193 and the latest build is - 91. I think this was released the weekend before last which is Roku's 02056 fix for the 3920-EU. Hope that helps, could be wrong, but makes sense. Anyway given we have the same hardware, and same OS and current build version and yours worked after a factory reset/auto code update back to -4193-91 and it still works I have enough confidence to go ahead as you did. Will inform you of the result........wish me luck.

As an ex,  design engineer (consumer electronics) 'sods law' could mean it doesn't,  but it now has to be ruled out and its not the end of the world anyway....

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Binge Watcher

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

Just to share I am in still in the same situation as others - email from BBC saying an update from Roku will fix the issue (received Sunday 17th).

I have two 3810EU Roku Streaming Stick+, bought some time apart and both are reporting they are up-to-date, last update May 22. Removing and re-adding iPlayer using the standard method has made no difference. I can access my account and programme menus but video stream will not play - error 02056.

Software version 11.0, build 4193-50 on both sticks

Frustratingly I have a Roku Express (3940EU) which is not on the supported player list (and which I consider inferior due to the IR remote and slightly slower interface performance) and yet I can watch iPlayer quite happily.


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Streaming Star

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

Hi roger-c,

Well, well I  have completed the Factory reset in System/Advanced options and after going thru the full guided install process my Roku 3920EU is up and running on the same latest code as before I.e. 11.0.0 build 4193-91 (ie. software upto date, as pushed out to this model originally the weekend before last, though not actually dated as such which is confusing). Then signing into my Roku account reinstalled all my previous personalised channel selection as before though you do have to sign into the various channels again including the BBC Iplayer. I also did a BBC Iplayer channel update before opening the Iplayer app. Finally upon opening  Iplayer I  can confirm it is your 3920-EU now working OK and  playing content normally again. So, for this model atleast it seems you have to not only have the latest code from Roku (with fix) but you need to perform a factory reset aswell.

Many thanks roger-c for your posts and encouragement. One would assume, though I cannot say for certain that providing the various 02056 affected Roku devices have by now all been targeted with the appropriate software build they should similarly work after a factory reset aswell, though please don't quote me on that. Either take the risk or may be first ask the BBC/Roku.... if you can actually get a reply.   I think it would be most useful if the BBC/Roku were to actually issue instructions that are applicable to all the models they have targeted for fix and give people a fighting chance atleast 

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Channel Surfer

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

I was encouraged enough by your post to try a third factory reset in a week. I followed the same process you describe - including requesting an update to iplayer before starting.  The Roku did update the software from the version it had updated to on July 16th - and - no change - still getting the error code.   I have two Rokus - the 3930EU with software updated 12th May is still working fine.  The 3930X is the one with problems.  Both report the same software version 11.0.0 4193-AE even though "EU" has not taken an update recently.  Both report the same iplayer version.

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Channel Surfer

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

The Amazon Firestick I ordered arrived yesterday, but before unpacking it I thought I would give ROKU one more go. I did the factory reset, set it up again from scratch, booted up, updated BBC and went through linking to my BBC account. 

Exactly the same as previously, you can see all the menus and programs, but then the error message. 😔 

So my new Amazon Fire was unwrapped and installed, a seamless set up and it’s all working perfectly.

Yay. 😀 

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Streaming Star

Re: BBC iplayer fault code 02056

It is disappointing that the same update/reset procedure we used on our 3920EU's doesn't hold true for different models. Two other observations I will add:

1. My 3920-EU all last week showed on the System menu 'About page' it had the current Fix variant for my unit 11.0.0 build 4193-91 yet Iplayer had then got the 02056 error. Yet if you checked the update software screen it only shows 11.0.0 build 4193 with no suffix which may be normal but also at that time it said the last update was (a date I have forgot) back in May 22. Now 'if' the 4193-91 build was actually active, why did it not show the install date as 10th July 22 when it appeared to take the update which I forced by via a software update check. All sounds a bit flaky, makes you think: did it even take the update properly anyway.

Your 3930X unit is intriguing, as according to the Roku developers website page on the web it suggests that X is used as a non specific all encompassing descriptor for any model (non customised state, yet to be decided) where the country specific descriptor like EU or UK is used to target specific markets with specific code may be. Strange?

The other point is that the 3920 and 3930 are quite different designs. The 3930X entire model range is more recent and still in production. The 3920X runs on code called Guilbert 4K while the 3930X runs on different code called Nemo. Both codes are based on OS 11.0.0. It seems possible therefore that you cannot say the two model ranges will actually behave the same way and that the codes or portions of the code may differ. I would tell the BBC your problem,  give them all the info on the System/ About page, tell them a factory reset is no fix for you but ask them to explain whether the uodate fix by Roku has targeted your model 3930X as X is not normally a specific region such as UK etc as above. Alot of this info as I say I found on the Roku developers website where there is a brief description and detailed table that lists all the various models, marketing names,  hardware and code etc. Hope this is helpful in some small way.

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