Why is this on my bill
@ButchRG everything you need to know has already been stated above. Check your Roku user account for any subscriptions you might have through Roku. If there are none listed, you are being scammed and more details are listed above.
@ButchRG Diamond Digital is likely a subscription for Bally Sports Plus. Login to your Roku account on a computer and check your subscriptions.
How to cancel this account I don’t want it
@Ssssg Diamond Digital is likely Bally Sports. If you subscribed through Roku login to your Roku account on a computer or phone and check your subscriptions. If your subscription is listed you can manage the subscription there. If no subscription is listed on your Roku account you either have two Roku accounts or you did not subscribe throught Roku. If you did not subscribe through Roku login to your Bally Sports account on a computer and check your subscriptions there.