I get a3810x
Sn: 263147618019
The usb cable is defective, so no wifi or remote work. No mobile app work since no wifi..
If i hold the cable in a specific position it work, if i connect standard usb it power up but no wifi, since its in the cable.
No answer from support email, chat or phone option for support is disabled.
I search the web to but a replacement cable, cant find it
(google find it, but if i click link page not exist anymore)
So how i get warranty, rma or where buy a new cable.
The wireless receiver for the 3810/3811 is located under the Accessories from the Roku website.
This is the link to the wireless receiver (WR001) that you need for the 3810.
If your device is under warranty (under 1 year), here is the link for step-by-step instructions on warranty replacement for Roku devices.
@Big-boo If your device is no longer under warranty and the replacement cable is $20, I would strongly consider a Roku Streaming Stick 4k which is on sale for $25 at multiple retailers. I have both a 3810x and a Streaming Stick 4k, the newer 4K device is faster.
Thank you for your answer but i already tryed this link.
Since im from canada the link doesn't work, it tell me wrong pages, doesnt exist..
I buyed it on march 2th 2022
So should be on warranty.
If i click your link, i get to a support page, i get no link to ask dor warranty. The canadian version suck.
I will try to set my browser to appear as usa to see if i can get more options.
I get roku streaming +
The streaming 4k is better?
With same cable?
I dont want a roku with this cable, i prefer one with wifi in the roku, not in the cable so if the cable break u can replace it.
I get a roku Express in other room and its enough, im not on 4k anyway. I might buy another express
Edit: i found how add remote
Oh and by the way, is it possible to use the remote of my Streaming + with my roku express?
It have a power and volume for tv on it.
@Big-boo Roku streaming stick plus remote can be paired with Roku Express