I am facing weird issue. I enabled dev mode and accessed roku ip couple of months back. Now when I try to access IP again getting "This site can’t be reached" error. Also not able to open developer menu on my roku tv. Tried factory reset . Soon after reset able to go to develeoper menu by following ( 3home+ 2 up+ right+left+right+left+right) sequence. Clicked on enable and restart after restart not able to open either developer menu by following same sequence or ip.
When I checked http://rokuip:8086 its showing my tv info.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Did you sideload something you found on the Internet that maybe you shouldn't have? After enabling developer mode and it reboots, if you go through the procedure again are you offered the option to enable developer mode again? If so, your device may have been blacklisted and you won't be able to enable developer mode.
Not that I know of. Roku really cracked down on developer mode when so many people were using it as a way to circumvent their terms of service regarding things like using Roku devices to watch pirate streams.
Did you sideload something you found on the Internet that maybe you shouldn't have? After enabling developer mode and it reboots, if you go through the procedure again are you offered the option to enable developer mode again? If so, your device may have been blacklisted and you won't be able to enable developer mode.
Not that I know of. Roku really cracked down on developer mode when so many people were using it as a way to circumvent their terms of service regarding things like using Roku devices to watch pirate streams.
I think this is what has happened to me, I had MovieboxPro on my TV but yesterday it stopped working, so I deleted the app and had to factory reset my TV in order for me to get back into developer mode and now. I was able to do that and setup a password for it but when I go to my web browser and type in my IP address it says can't connect. So I am figuring I might have gotten Blacklisted.
Did it ever work ? I have the same issue trying IPTVSmartersPro
No , it didn't work .. you can use firestick or onn or something similar.
Como encuentro dirección ip
@53fardz, what are you trying to do? Your Roku's IP address can be found under Settings->Network->About assuming it's connected to your network. You substitute that for IP-roku-address (e.g.,