Both devices are Roku express, I have owned them for years and use them every day. All other devices working fine and reporting 130mbps.
It will often fail at the wireless connection stage and prompt me to restart my router and Roku device. I have done this many times including a factory reset.
The only time I have been able to reconnect is after I have unplugged the device for a short time. This doesn't work every time but when it does the connection is very slow. If I try to check the connection my device will disconnect and I will have to unplug it again to reconnect.
My router is split into separate channels and the devices I have are only capable of using 2.4GHz. I have also checked the router is set to b/g/n.
Hello! @Sh90,
Thanks for the post,
Troubleshooting: Please perform these troubleshooting steps to ensure we didn't miss any steps.
1. Check Network Connection (Settings > Network > Check Connection)
a. Verify if both Wireless and Internet are shown with Green Checkmarks
b. If no wireless connection is detected proceed to the next step
2. Set Up Connection (Settings > Network > Set up Connection)
a. Determine if the network is seen when attempting to set up a connection again
b. Please verify using your mobile or computer device, that your network can be detected successfully
c. If not seen, proceed to the next step
3. System Update (Settings > System > System Update)
a. If an update is found, wait for the restart and then verify if the issue is resolved
b. If no update is found, proceed to the next step
4. System Restart (Settings > System > Power > System Restart)
a. After the restarts, validate if the network reconnects in Settings > Network > About screen
b. If there is still no connection, proceed to the next step
5. Restart Router and Modem
a. Please unplug both their Router and Modem for 10-15 seconds and then plug them both in
b. Wait for both the router and modem to fully boot and then perform a Set Up Connection again to see if now detected
c. If still not detected, proceed to the next step
6. Network Connection Reset (Settings > System > Advanced System Settings > Network connection reset)
a. This will forget your previous network connection settings and perform a system restart
b. After the restarts, please Set Up the Connection again and verify if the network is now seen
c. If still not detected, proceed to the next step
7. Can set up your Mobile device as a Hotspot to determine if your Roku device can detect any network signal or if it is specific to your home network
a. This helps confirm if the issue is with the WiFi chip or possibly unique to their home network setup and needs your ISP to assist further
b. If the hotspot is detected we recommend you reach out to your ISP to verify your network settings and any recommendations to help resolve the issue
c. If the hotspot is not detected or you are unable to try this, proceed to the next step
8. Finally, if all the above steps still do not work, then we recommend trying a Factory Reset (Settings > System > Advanced System Settings > Factory Reset)
Please keep us posted on what you find out, and we will be happy to continue assisting you further. We look forward to hearing back from you.
I'm still not able to buy one anywhere. Both my express devices are having the same connectivity problems and have become unusable. No change with router, checking connection results in them becoming disconnected and needing multiple resets to connect again then it's >1mbps. Looks like it's a firestick for me 😞
Hello! @Sh90,
A heartfelt welcome from the Roku Community!
We appreciate you reaching out to us. We're pleased to assist.
Try selecting the 2.4 GHz band of your network for all your Roku devices and see if the connection stabilizes. If so, could just be an interference/strength issue.
Please keep us posted on what you find out, and we will be happy to continue assisting you further. We look forward to hearing back from you.
Hello! @Sh90,
Thanks for the post,
Troubleshooting: Please perform these troubleshooting steps to ensure we didn't miss any steps.
1. Check Network Connection (Settings > Network > Check Connection)
a. Verify if both Wireless and Internet are shown with Green Checkmarks
b. If no wireless connection is detected proceed to the next step
2. Set Up Connection (Settings > Network > Set up Connection)
a. Determine if the network is seen when attempting to set up a connection again
b. Please verify using your mobile or computer device, that your network can be detected successfully
c. If not seen, proceed to the next step
3. System Update (Settings > System > System Update)
a. If an update is found, wait for the restart and then verify if the issue is resolved
b. If no update is found, proceed to the next step
4. System Restart (Settings > System > Power > System Restart)
a. After the restarts, validate if the network reconnects in Settings > Network > About screen
b. If there is still no connection, proceed to the next step
5. Restart Router and Modem
a. Please unplug both their Router and Modem for 10-15 seconds and then plug them both in
b. Wait for both the router and modem to fully boot and then perform a Set Up Connection again to see if now detected
c. If still not detected, proceed to the next step
6. Network Connection Reset (Settings > System > Advanced System Settings > Network connection reset)
a. This will forget your previous network connection settings and perform a system restart
b. After the restarts, please Set Up the Connection again and verify if the network is now seen
c. If still not detected, proceed to the next step
7. Can set up your Mobile device as a Hotspot to determine if your Roku device can detect any network signal or if it is specific to your home network
a. This helps confirm if the issue is with the WiFi chip or possibly unique to their home network setup and needs your ISP to assist further
b. If the hotspot is detected we recommend you reach out to your ISP to verify your network settings and any recommendations to help resolve the issue
c. If the hotspot is not detected or you are unable to try this, proceed to the next step
8. Finally, if all the above steps still do not work, then we recommend trying a Factory Reset (Settings > System > Advanced System Settings > Factory Reset)
Please keep us posted on what you find out, and we will be happy to continue assisting you further. We look forward to hearing back from you.
All other devices are working fine. No changes I'm aware of or can find by checking my router settings. Both devices behave the same when trying to use my mobile phone as a hot spot.
As i have already, attempting to "check connection" results in the device disconnecting from the network and needing to be restarted with a power reset in order to reconnect. Resetting via the "system" option in the menu, my network is detected but can not connect.
I have already performed all the steps mentioned including the factory reset, which I mentioned, more than once and the issue remains on both devices which seems odd. My new fire TV stick has been working with no issues. Has Roku somehow made it so that older devices will no longer work?
Thanks for the update, @Sh90.
We are happy to continue assisting.
May we know when you started having this issue? and what specific error code you've been receiving. Have you tried inquiring if there have been changes made to your network by your internet service provider? Could you try to check your settings to see if the device has the latest update?
We'd appreciate a follow-up regarding this one.
Best regards,