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Re: Roku Distorted Sound During Playback - Restart Helps Temporarily

My Ultra worked fine for a long time, but rather recently (the last month?) started distorting periodically.  A hard or soft reboot fixed it until the next time.  I'm now trying switching from auto to stereo, too soon to tell whether this resolves the issue.  The Ultra feeds an A/V receiver that's wired for 5 or 7 channel audio.

I also have another recurring problem over this same time period:  Audio and Video get out of sync, noticed particularly using YouTube TV.  Again, soft or hard restart of the Ultra fixes the issue for a while. 


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Re: Roku Distorted Sound During Playback - Restart Helps Temporarily

Hi all.. i think i know what the problem is... when you plug the headphones into the remote.. it is at volume 30 or so.. and you can adjust the volume on the roku.. but once you unplug.. itll show that the volume is at 100%.. with no option to lower that.. due to the remote being synced with the tv..


So this is a firmware problem that roku needs to fix

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Reel Rookie

Re: ROKU ULTRA Distorted Sound

Mine works for Netflix and YouTube tv. Shudder and Disney plus are garbled. I can only watch for 20 minutes before it starts. From all the threads and comments why haven't they fixed this. Maybe it's time to get a Chromecast!

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Re: ROKU ULTRA Distorted Sound




My Roku 4 / 4400X has been working fine. Periodically post an update the audio would have a lag. Now, ever since 9.3 the device works as such:

turn on - audio fine on menu and all channels.

30 minutes to 3 hours later - audio lags approximately 1 second on everything from menus to channels. On main menu move. wait 1 sec. hear move click. hit ok to select, wait 1 sec, here confirmation beep. choose any channel. ~1 sec video plays, then audio starts.

additional 1-3 hours later audio garbles mainly beeps, distortion, and screeching sounds. Lip synch does not matter when streaming audio...


3 different HDMI cables

2 different TV ports

tried second TV

tried wired and wireless

rebooted all network devices

unplug for 2 hours to clear box

System - sound - Stereo from auto to stereo. no change

System - sound - stereo mode from auto to PCM, then dolby stereo... then dolby surround...

used multiple combinations of above sound settings.

tried the "While playing video hit * and change audio mode." but mine does not have audio mode. Just language and caption options appear.

did the 5 home 5 back to start an error report.

rebooting 1-3 times during watching a movie is unacceptable in order to keep the audio going.

Fan speed setting - cooler

in an open shelf cabinet with plexi above and below to reduce heat. Front and back of cabinet open air.

This all started with the 9.3 update and now the unit is barely usable.


Secondary issue, since 9.3 it no longer recognizes the MicroSD card I have been using since I purchased the 4400X.


Any further troubleshooting/assistance would be great.


At this point it looks like the 9.3 does not like the 4400X. Please fix update, or send out previous firmware.


Thank you.


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Re: ROKU ULTRA Distorted Sound

It worked! Thank you!!

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Re: Roku Distorted Sound During Playback - Restart Helps Temporarily

Same issue and fix.  I have to restart the Roku to get good sound.  I don't know why Roku is unable to fix this issue as the product is great in every other way.  In my case the bad underwater sound is even on Roku system sounds like clicking around in the guide, so this is definitely the Roku and not a channel.

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Reel Rookie

Re: Roku Distorted Sound During Playback - Restart Helps Temporarily

Same issues as the others, distorted sound during playback on my Roku Ultra 4661R bought last summer. Started happening around first of this year after working fine for over 6 months. It happens no matter what streaming service, channel, etc. Tried 3 different TVs with different HDMI cables. I've changed the remote batteries. Tried on 2 different networks, and tried wired and wireless on 1 network. Tried the * button and change sound settings and reboot system, but it always comes back. Tried all the suggestions above and elsewhere but it always comes back. I've updated the software/firmware over the entire life of the product. This is unacceptable. Please advise.
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Reel Rookie

Re: Roku Distorted Sound During Playback - Restart Helps Temporarily

This appears to be either a firmware issue or more likely a hardware issue with the Roku.

Here's why:

  • This only happens on 1 of the 4 Rokus we own.
  • It happens repeatedly on this Roku
  • It happens on multiple TVs with this Roku
  • It happens whether or not it is plugged in to the back of the TV directly via HDMI or through a stereo receiver
  • The occurs on ALL Roku apps: Amazon Prime, HBO, Netflix, YouTube TV, etc.

What is the Roku process to get a replacement device?


Re: ROKU ULTRA Distorted Sound

Just bought a new OLED tv and reciever. After a couple weeks we were experiencing significant audio distortion. Tried the following advice which solved the problem. Thanks!!

 "During playback of content inside a streaming channel, press the * key on your remote. A menu will open on the lefthand side of the screen. Look for 'Volume mode'. If this is turned on, try disabling or turning off this feature. Does that resolve the issue you are experiencing? "

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: ROKU ULTRA Distorted Sound

I disconnected the internet to my smart tv since the roku makes it smart and it fixed everything except the lip sync problem and when that happens I just hit pause for a second and then play. 

I hope this helps out for some of you.

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