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Reel Rookie

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

Mute the Streaming Star guy. Click the three dots and mute. Much more pleasant without him clogging this thread with unhelpful, repetitive & unpleasant posts.

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Re: Max App pause and playback issue

Mine is doing it and it’s driving me nuts. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Roku Guru

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

@63g6vg35y35yOn the contrary. I am being helpful by pointing people in the correct direction to get their issue solved. I have the same issue with Max. It doesn't happen on any other apps, therefore it is a problem within the coding of the Max app itself. Therefore it is not a Roku issue. Mute me if you prefer. It's up to you but that's pretty much the same thing as a small child not wanting to hear the facts, sticking fingers in ears and going "LA LA LA LA LA!!!!" Go ahead and do that if you must but it won't solve your problem.

onn Roku 43" TV model 100012584 running version 12.0.0
Twenty plus years of online experience as a web developer, general user and consumer. Recording engineer. Sixty plus years of troubleshooting and problem solving in several fields. Here to help and get help when I have issues with Roku. Nothing more. Not here to socialize. That's what real life is for. 😉
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Streaming Star

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

As noted above, there is no public forum for Max. Furthermore, Max is not going to let us know when the isssue is resolved. It is entirely appropriate to post here and monitor comments from other users until the issue is resolved. Those who do not wish to read these comments are free to ignore this thread.

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Roku Guru

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

"As noted above, there is no public forum for Max."

So what? As noted above (at least twice now) Max DOES have a feedback link that anyone can use to report issues. Anyone here can choose to use it, or waste your time whining to each other here. Your choice. Nobody is twisting your arm either way.

"Furthermore, Max is not going to let us know when the issue is resolved."

Again. So what? Your indication that the problem is solved is when the problem no longer exists.

"It is entirely appropriate to post here and monitor comments from other users until the issue is resolved."

Afraid I have to disagree with you on this. It not appropriate for the simple reason that it does nothing to facilitate a resolution, but also encourages others to continue using ineffective methods to solve the problem.

"Those who do not wish to read these comments are free to ignore this thread."

Those who do not wish to hear facts and better ways to solve things are free to ignore me. Trust me, I will not lose one wink of sleep.

Feel free to bash your heads against walls and complain about your headaches. I'm not listening.

onn Roku 43" TV model 100012584 running version 12.0.0
Twenty plus years of online experience as a web developer, general user and consumer. Recording engineer. Sixty plus years of troubleshooting and problem solving in several fields. Here to help and get help when I have issues with Roku. Nothing more. Not here to socialize. That's what real life is for. 😉
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Reel Rookie

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

@MrXxx, lmao buddy, you are a real piece of work. have you read your own posts in this thread? the tone is openly hostile. you sound like a pathetic cranky old scold, trying to be the roku forum cop. maybe you should stop being so rude to everyone here and dig up that Max contact link that you insist is so easy to find and move things in a productive direction? i think you’d rather just shoot your mouth off at strangers.

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Roku Guru

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

@aaron_digitalno. Because if you're too **bleep** lazy to look for what took me less than a minute to find you don't deserve it. I've read every word of what I've written. I wrote it didn't I? The hostility here didn't originate with me. I gave a small bit of helpful advice and then was told to go f*** myself. Who's being hostile? No, it wasn't you that told me to f myself, however you have made no more than two posts in total by now, neither of which has offered anyone any help with anything, but both of which were to come here and harass me. Again I ask: who is being hostile? Sounds to me like you need to focus on yourself. Maybe you hate yourself so much you have to attack others for no reason? You need a hug so here it is:🤗

onn Roku 43" TV model 100012584 running version 12.0.0
Twenty plus years of online experience as a web developer, general user and consumer. Recording engineer. Sixty plus years of troubleshooting and problem solving in several fields. Here to help and get help when I have issues with Roku. Nothing more. Not here to socialize. That's what real life is for. 😉
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Streaming Star

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

A feedback link is not a public forum and will not report back when the issue is resolved. I prefer not testing the app every day until the issue is resolved, which is why I am monitoring this thread for comments. Those who do not wish to read my comments, or comments from other users, are free to ignore them.

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Roku Guru

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

No, it’s not a public forum, but once you engage most feedback systems, it creates a direct conversation. My remark about it being fixed is your notice that it has indeed been is for those who can’t be bothered to go directly to the company that can actually fix the problem. Pause issues like this are not user fixable, therefore this forum is a wild goose chase. 

onn Roku 43" TV model 100012584 running version 12.0.0
Twenty plus years of online experience as a web developer, general user and consumer. Recording engineer. Sixty plus years of troubleshooting and problem solving in several fields. Here to help and get help when I have issues with Roku. Nothing more. Not here to socialize. That's what real life is for. 😉
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Roku Guru

Re: Max App pause and playback issue

You know there are only a few of you here that simply do not want to listen and would rather repeatedly come back here and defend yourselves for not wanting to do the most logical and simplest thing. It's almost as funny as watching a dog chasing parked cars. If it weren't so sad it would be that funny.

The rest have enough sense to have moved on.

onn Roku 43" TV model 100012584 running version 12.0.0
Twenty plus years of online experience as a web developer, general user and consumer. Recording engineer. Sixty plus years of troubleshooting and problem solving in several fields. Here to help and get help when I have issues with Roku. Nothing more. Not here to socialize. That's what real life is for. 😉
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