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Roku Guru

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

Face it. They don’t know they just repeat what the cheat sheet says to say. Is not like you are talking to engineers who may have a clue. It’s sad but you only have one choice. Buy a system that does not have Roku problems

Streaming Star

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

@Mia08 ... hi, I'm not sure if this is what solved it for me or if it was indeed a software glitch that got fixed thru a silent automatic update.. but I disabled the bandwidth saver AND also the screensaver and stopped experiencing being booted back to the Home screen. The remote is not the reason, bc one can use the Roku app for remote control (and for voice control, don't waste money on the expensive remote) and still experience the booting. The bad part about Roku is, whether you have the TV or the streaming device, any updates they release happen invisibly in the background; they don't notify you of it, the only way you know is if you look at the About section and make note of what software version is listed, eventually you'll see a different one and go AHA, it was updated! I really really think this booting issue is the result of a buggy software update... but as I said, when I changed the bandwidth saver and screensaver start time, it worked for me. Also, if this helps any, here's Roku's customer service number: (816) 272-8106 ..they're really not much help but sometimes it at least makes you feel better to be able to complain to a company, y'know?? Good luck, hun ❤️❤️

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Reel Rookie

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

@AnnoyedLady Clarification: the bandwidth saver is a feature in the tv settings you are referring to to disable right ? I’m going to check it out and also disable the screensaver.

will try the above and see how that goes 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

thank you for your help. I’ll let you know how things fair 

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Roku Guru

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

Your wish has been granted but I will leave you with this advice. 
hit the home button 5 times followed by hitting the back button 5 times while chanting Roku work Roku work. 

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Roku Guru

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

Dear Demetrius. I see you have not indicated that you have pressed the home button five times and then pressed the up button five times while standing on your head and shouting Roku Work, Roku Work followed by this "In the name of Joe Dirt, I command all demonic spirits that have gained access to me through curses and rituals cut off and banished from me and my household, in the mighty name Roku Roku.

If this does not solve the problem Put the TV out for the recycler .....

Binge Watcher

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

This ritual must be done in the front yard to invoke the full power of Joe Dirt, please keep that in mind.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

Hi @demetrius,

Greetings from the Roku Community, and thanks for keeping us posted!
We appreciate the effort that you have put into troubleshooting the issue. Can you please provide the following information that we have asked for above? Once we have this information, we'll be able to pass it along to our appropriate Roku team for further investigation.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.



Roku Community Moderator
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Binge Watcher

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

Your reply is so hilarious 🤣🤣🤣

I love it! 

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Binge Watcher

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

Torches and a pentagram will be needed as well. Oooooo Mighty Roku, we bekon you 🤣🤣🤣

Roku Guru

Re: Keeps kicking me out of my apps and back to the home screen

9-1/2 chances out of 10 it won't and you will be back

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