I heard that Roku abruptly raised fees for the Genesis Science Network by 400% (once established) which sounds like mafia tactics. I hope Roku employees are not intentionally censoring, bullying and discriminating against Christians. I sincerely hope they aren't targeting this good, wholesome, family channel due to a financial dispute or leveraging GSN for more money; this nonprofit channel should be encouraged and supported by Roku for the public good. A few times in the past we had that issue where it wouldn't stream content very briefly, but the problem resolved on its own or Roku extracted more money from these godly people. I had tried uninstalling and reinstalling GSN at those times, but it didn't appear to fix the issue (at least not right away). Because of a recent change by Roku, I can not even search by app titles anymore on our TCL Roku TV and on Roku's website, it doesn't give the option to uninstall or reinstall that app either. I believe that if it were uninsta!led now I would never be able to find it again through a search in order to reinstall that channel once again. It doesn't seem like Roku cares about good programming or have real concern for loyal customers. Please help us and all our relatives to be able view the Genesis Science Network on your platform once again. I don't think you want to lose millions of loyal customers who have made your company successful.
Has anyone on this forum had trouble watching Genesis Science Network (GSN) on Roku lately or been unable to even find this incredible, but now hidden channel?
Any information you got about Roku fees is wrong. Roku doesn't charge fees for channels just to be on their platform. I'm guessing whatever you heard applies to the CDN the channel is using.
In the case of the failed playback, it looks like yet another Direct Publisher channel that's broken due to something Roku did. @RokuDanny-R , is anyone looking into the DP issue? I've probably seen reports of half a dozen different DP channels that won't play.
So how do we fix this, or why haven't they fixed it? What can we do to help?
I really Like this Channel!
Roku announced that Direct Publisher channels are going away in about half a year. (And that they wouldn’t accept new ones starting a couple of weeks ago.) It seems like they have really accelerated this time line – possibly inadvertently.
Au How is getting rid of some Direct Publishers helpful to your Business, and viewers. (just trying to understand) and why of all the channels on Roku GSN is the only one that seams to have this issue?
@Rod737, as I already stated, there's been reports of half a dozen different DP channels with the same issue. B-Zone was the first reported. No channel was singled out. Load it up and you'll see the same issue.