I am getting out of area and Spanish ads and recommended content on all 4 of my devices. I am getting ads for Denver and Colorado despite living in Albuquerque NM and tons of Spanish in recommended content. I have checked locations and language on all my devices and all are set correctly. This all started when I purchased the Philips/Roku TV but it migrated to all other devices. I have also tried taking the new TV offline and it doesn't help. Also all devices are updated versions. It's getting worse and increasingly aggravating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to the Roku Community, @rogersrr5!
Thanks for letting us know about this concern that you had with the advertisements showing up on your Roku devices. Please check out this support article here on How to manage ad preferences.
Welcome to the Roku Community, @rogersrr5!
Thanks for letting us know about this concern that you had with the advertisements showing up on your Roku devices. Please check out this support article here on How to manage ad preferences.