As a test, today, I uploaded an
mp4 video to my Amazon S3 storage.
The video played correctly on my test channel. However, I think I may know what is causing the problems reported here. My video content providers use YouTube to share their videos. They've given me permission to download their videos and show them on my channel. Before I can load them to Amazon, I "re-code" them using
Nero. It is my speculation that if you use a video source, like YouTube, that does not allow direct streaming from their site (their TOS does not allow it) to the Roku, you'll run into these types of problems. If you use Amazon S3 for your video server, you should be able to turn on logging and see the actual cause of the video not playing. I'm guessing that those who have converted their videos from mp4 to m4v are "re-coding" as I am.
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