Hello and thanks for the read!
Issue: Categories for tags within the json feed file for shortform videos do not parse in sdk and display as one single line of videos listed as "shortform videos"
Category tags/name/item numbers/playlist - display for Movies, Series and Episodes and tvspecials but not shortform videos which stays to one line of videos
So we have a json feed and use the shortform video and tags then add category elements and parse a single line of videos, or can be parst into playlist categories!
We already know we can add our own custom categories to the script to display a single line of videos in addition to short form videos
We can parse Movies, Series and Episodes and tvspecial and shortform videos into categories and playlist!
What we are seeking is to know if anyone out there has had success with shortform video feeds parsing the categories using the tags as categories like Direct publisher use to do, categories from the feed without using playlist categories!
Do you have a sample feed link to share or help?
Do you have a code sniplet to share or help?
We are already familar with the Roku help files and use of category elements!
We are missing something! Correct us if wrong lol!