I'm using a roVideoScreen to display live video stream as follows
video = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
where dump of videoclip looks like
streamformat: hls
streamurls: (list of 1)...
List(0)= http://SVR/PATH/index.m3u8?param1=xxx¶m2=yyy
streamqualities: (list of 1)...
List(0)= SD
live: true
streambitrates: (list of 1)...
List(0)= 0
playstart: -1
Where param1 is fixed but param2 is a ticket I obtain and has a limited life, so after few minutes the stream understandably dies. I modified the code to obtain new ticket prior to the expiration time and tried to just update with
and while the
documentation states[/url:2c33qzvq]
You can call roVideoScreen.SetContent() while playing video
it doesn't seem to ...
content metadata documentation[/url:2c33qzvq]. I'll experiment with the "Stream" param instead of t...
Private apps: IsraTV (replaces IsraIBA, IsraNews2, IsraI24, Isra10, Isra20)
Users - to report issues with the app (not content of streams please) send me a tweet - @quartern_roku and follow (so we can DM)