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Roku Guru

Puting JW player library in a screengraph channel

I have been studying the ScreenGraph for a couple of days.

This code is the API array which works like a prefix
Function GetApiArray()

url = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")


rsp = url.GetToString()

responseXML = ParseXML(rsp)

responseXML = responseXML.GetChildElements()

responseArray = responseXML.GetChildElements()

result = []

for each xmlItem in responseArray

if xmlItem.getName() = "item"

itemAA = xmlItem.GetChildElements()

if itemAA <> invalid

item = {}

for each xmlItem in itemAA

item[xmlItem.getName()] = xmlItem.getText()

if xmlItem.getName() = "media:content" = {url : xmlItem.url}

item.url = xmlItem.getAttributes().url

item.streamFormat = "mp4"

mediaContent = xmlItem.GetChildElements()

for each mediaContentItem in mediaContent

if mediaContentItem.getName() = "media:thumbnail"

item.HDPosterUrl = mediaContentItem.getattributes().url

item.hdBackgroundImageUrl = mediaContentItem.getattributes().url

end if

end for

end if

end for


end if

end if

end for

return result

End Function

Yet I cant get it to work with my cloud library to work because of this

url = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")


rsp = url.GetToString()

Is there any way I can get my cloud library to work with ScreenGraph?
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Roku Guru

Re: Puting JW player library in a screengraph channel

Did you read
in particular the link to jwplayer page on roku
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Puting JW player library in a screengraph channel

I did, there were no answer
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Roku Guru

Re: Puting JW player library in a screengraph channel

"Blackhawk" wrote:
I did, there were no answer

I guess that means you won't be able to use JW-player-anything on Roku then, sorry. Trying to use that javascript file clearly won't work. 
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