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Channel Surfer

Bug: Bitmap not updating. Tracker ID: 09-016-985

Draw into a bitmap, get it's content and it's all zeros.

Troubleshooting performed:
Wrote included sample code printing zero'ed byteArray after calling Finish()
and then printing rendered content after SwapBuffers().

Issue ID/Serial number/Software version and build:
Tracker ID: 09-016-985
S/N: YG0024242509
OS Version: 14.1.4 Build: 7709-51

Channel software version, if applicable:
N/A - app not yet submitted

Anything else we should know?:
By definition, Finish() should triger any batched draw ops. In practice,
GetByteArray() should also trigger updating.
Why? Because I'm post-processing the bitmap content and, since you won't
allow me to write into the bitmap, I have to read it out, process it and
then load it back in again as a file. *sigh*
Also, and I'll swear I tried this: Loaded the app via vscode. It fails.
Run it again via remote as a chennel. It succeeds. Try it again. It succeeds.
Run some other channel and then re-run the channel and it fails again! Thinking
about that scenario gives me a headache.


Sub Main()
pixWidth = 10
bytesPerPix = 4
bytesPerRow = (pixWidth * bytesPerPix)
printRow = 3
screen = CreateObject("roScreen", true)

bm = CreateObject("roBitmap", {width:pixWidth, height:10, AlphaEnable:true, name:"test"})
bm.clear( &h808080FF)
bm.DrawRect( 2, 2, 6, 6, &hFFFFFFFF)
ba = bm.GetByteArray( 0, 0, pixWidth, 10)
ba[ (printRow * bytesPerRow) + (4 * bytesPerPix)] = &hFF

' Set index to start of 4th row. Setup to read a line of 10 pixels
indx = printRow * (pixWidth * bytesPerPix)

print "i"; TAB(16)"Red";TAB(22)"Grn";TAB(28)"Blu";TAB(34)"Alp"
for i = 0 to (pixWidth-1)
r = ba[indx ] : g = ba[indx+1] : b = ba[indx+2] : a = ba[indx+3]
print indx; TAB(16)r;TAB(22)g;TAB(28)b;TAB(34)a
indx += 4

screen.DrawObject( 0, 0, bm)
ba = bm.GetByteArray( 0, 0, pixWidth, 10)
print "i"; TAB(16)"Red";TAB(22)"Grn";TAB(28)"Blu";TAB(34)"Alp"
for i = 0 to (pixWidth-1)
r = ba[indx ] : g = ba[indx+1] : b = ba[indx+2] : a = ba[indx+3]
print indx; TAB(16)r;TAB(22)g;TAB(28)b;TAB(34)a
indx += 4
0 Kudos
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