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Roku Guru

Roku Development Chat Room @ StackOverflow - come along!

I created a chat room on StackOverflow, dedicated to discussing Roku development and I want to invite people to drop by! 

It is just like a forum but more interactive (duh!). Everybody can create a chat room on S.O. - but the meaning of is determined by participation - so say hi, ask and answer questions there. Initially it may seem as semi-offline mode, as people are not simultaneously logged in - but eventually we may start gathering around specific times based on stats, it's early to plan.

Here is the URL - just click to open and you are "there":

StackOverflow account and a minimum of 20 reputation is required. If you don't have account - that's trivial to do (can even use Google/Facebook/Yahoo/blogs login) and start using, the karma is easy to come. If you don't even know what StackOverflow is yet though... i am afraid i won't be able to help, my apologies.

See you in the Roku room of
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Roku Development Chat Room @ StackOverflow - come along!

Ha! This is neat - for those that use RSS readers, one can pull RSS feed of the starred chat posts:
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Re: Roku Development Chat Room @ StackOverflow - come along!

Excellent idea EnTerr! Sadly I don't have 20 reputation points to talk yet 🙂 Stackoverflow was never very useful coding in brightscript. Maybe we should use slack or discord, or maybe there is an easy way to obtain 20 rep points.
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Roku Development Chat Room @ StackOverflow - come along!

"ljunkie" wrote:
Excellent idea EnTerr! Sadly I don't have 20 reputation points to talk yet 🙂 Stackoverflow was never very useful coding in brightscript.
Maybe we should use slack or discord, or maybe there is an easy way to obtain 20 rep points.

Oh, "get with the program", will ya? :mrgreen:
It's actually easy to get 20pts, given that a voted-up answer gives you +5 and voted-up question is +10. See the "rules" here and pro tips there. Gamification...

More seriously, i considered other options too, incl. slack and gitter - but SO chat wins hands down for developer Q&A chat.
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Re: Roku Development Chat Room @ StackOverflow - come along!

I need a Roku geek who can tell how to. get around blocked MAC addresses


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Re: Roku Development Chat Room @ StackOverflow - come along!

what a pain in the ass.  I thought you said this would be easy


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