StackOverflow account and a minimum of 20 reputation is required. If you don't have account - that's trivial to do (can even use Google/Facebook/Yahoo/blogs login) and start using, the karma is easy to come. If you don't even know what StackOverflow is yet though... i am afraid i won't be able to help, my apologies.
See you in the Roku room of http://chat.stackoverflow.com
"ljunkie" wrote:
Excellent idea EnTerr! Sadly I don't have 20 reputation points to talk yet 🙂 Stackoverflow was never very useful coding in brightscript.
Maybe we should use slack or discord, or maybe there is an easy way to obtain 20 rep points.
I need a Roku geek who can tell how to. get around blocked MAC addresses
what a pain in the ass. I thought you said this would be easy