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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

I've been working on a 1-click installation that doesn't require downloading python or PIL and just added this tray icon so that you can see when your server is running without having the terminal window open. You can track my progress on the next-java branch on github but this code isn't ready for non-developer use... in fact it doesn't at this moment WORK with the roku... there's a bug in the main screen somewhere that I'm trying to track down.

I plan to have something ready for everyone to try out in about 2 weeks. This is finals week for me and it's been really hard to fight off the distraction of writing cool code so I can focus on my masters. I'll have more time next week.

If anyone wants to design a supercool tray icon in the meantime that would be sweet!
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"el.wubo" wrote:

I've been working on a 1-click installation that doesn't require downloading python or PIL and just added this tray icon so that you can see when your server is running without having the terminal window open. You can track my progress on the next-java branch on github but this code isn't ready for non-developer use... in fact it doesn't at this moment WORK with the roku... there's a bug in the main screen somewhere that I'm trying to track down.

I plan to have something ready for everyone to try out in about 2 weeks. This is finals week for me and it's been really hard to fight off the distraction of writing cool code so I can focus on my masters. I'll have more time next week.

If anyone wants to design a supercool tray icon in the meantime that would be sweet!

Geeeze - you think your masters will help you make a living - get with the program man - the future is brightscript and java 🙂

Good luck on finals!!!!
Going where the wind don't blow so strange
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"renojim" wrote:
What exactly do you like about Rivet? Is it the look and feel, or is it the support for all the iXxx stuff? If it's the latter, I hate to say it (well, not really), but I have absolutely no interest in iAnything.

That's fine - I assume you have no interest in a Mac app in the first place. Maybe My Media won't be the channel to do this, but I hope one eventually does.

For average Mac and Windows users, my main concerns are those nowhereman pointed to: that there be a single, self-contained server app download; that any user-selectable file paths be chosen with a standard file dialog; that an iTunes integration option be available. Obviously these things are not necessary for My Media to function, but they probably are necessary for widespread adoption in the general Roku-buying public.
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Channel Surfer

Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"el.wubo" wrote:
I plan to have something ready for everyone to try out in about 2 weeks. This is finals week for me and it's been really hard to fight off the distraction of writing cool code so I can focus on my masters. I'll have more time next week.

Your work is awesome and much appreciated! Looking forward to your summer break filled with lots of Roku coding! 🙂 😄

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D-Link DNS-323/DNS-321 NAS as your My Media server

These are the steps I used to turn my D-Link DNS-321 NAS (baby version of the DNS-323) into a video server for my Roku box. It should work for the DNS-323 too.

(1) Install Fonz FunPlug (ffp) into the NAS and enable telnetd, per

(1b) Telnet into your NAS, so you should have a root shell prompt.

(2) On the NAS, install Optware, per

Important for DNS-321: If you have a DNS-321, in the instructions in that howto substitute the following URL as the repository (i.e. where to get the ipkg binary from and as the repo URL in ipkg.conf): ... /unstable/
(The DNS-321 uses a different native libc than the DNS-323, so the DNS-321 needs software built against the different libc than the DNS-323.)

Note 1: That howto suggests appending to the end of the fun_plug script the commands to mount /opt. Instead, I put them in a new /ffp/etc/fun_plug.local script:

mkdir -p /opt
mount --bind /mnt/HD_a2/ipkg/opt /opt

Make sure to use chmod to make the /ffp/etc/fun_plug.local script executable.

Note 2: That howto suggests prepending /opt/bin:/opt/sbin to the PATH variable in /ffp/etc/profile. That only works if you were brave enough to change root's default shell to the shell supplied in fun_plug. I'm not that brave, so I explicitly set the PATH in the rokud script supplied in step 6, so don't worry about updating /ffp/etc/profile

(2b) On the NAS, install python 2.6 from the Optware repository by running the commands

export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:$PATH
ipkg update
ipkg install python26

(3) Put the Roku into developer mode -- follow Installation instructions in the README for "My Media" at ... ME.textile, which will point you to the right pages in the Roku SDK documentation

(4) Install "My Media" software on your PC. (From viewtopic.php?f=28&t=25955)

(5) Install "My Media" software also on your NAS. I installed mine at /opt/exec/roku_media_server

(6) On the NAS, create the shell script /ffp/bin/rokud containing

set -x
export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:$PATH
cd /opt/exec/roku_media_server/server
python2.6 ./ </dev/null >/tmp/rokud.$$ 2>&1 &

Use chmod to make it executable. You can invoke this script in the future (not now) to manually start the "My Media" server.

(7) To make the "My Media" server run automatically every time the NAS is booted, on the NAS create the shell script /ffp/start/ containing


# PROVIDE: rokud

. /ffp/etc/ffp.subr


run_rc_command "$1"

Use chmod to make it executable.

(8) Run (or springboard.vbs) on your PC to set the configuration, and then click on the "Install Client" button. Note that the server_ip should be the IP address of your NAS (not your PC).

(9) Running springboard on your PC will have created a config.ini file in the folder where you ran springboard. Copy-paste its contents into a new file on the NAS named (if you followed my example) /opt/exec/roku_media_server/server/config.ini

(10) You can now manually start "My Media" on your NAS by invoking the rokud script, or reboot the NAS to make sure it gets started automatically. To check that it's running, on the NAS run the command `ps -ef | grep rss` -- there should be a processing running "python2.6 ./"

(11) Go to your TV and see if your Roku box can see the My Media channel, and the Music and Video folders within that channel that you specified in the config.ini file you created in steps 8 & 9.
0 Kudos

My command for converting videos files for Roku

After much trial and error, here is the HandBrake command I use (on my laptop running Linux) to convert random video files into MPEG-4/AVC files that the Roku will play. My target is good quality HD on my 720p plasma, which I get by doing a 2-pass conversion, but I use "Turbo" mode on the first pass to keep it from taking forever. On my 2.2 GHz Core2 Duo (dual-processor) laptop it takes about the same amount of time to convert a video file as to view it. The resulting m4v files are typically only slightly smaller than their originals.

HandBrakeCLI -i "$file" -o "$file".m4v -X 1280 -Y 720 -O -Z Universal -2 -T -q 0.62 -r 29.97 -E faac,ac3
0 Kudos

Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

I have been unable to connect to the server...even trying it through localhost:8001 returns nothing.

I ran springboard_debug.bat and it returned this. Everything has been working fine until I returned home from vacation.

writing configuration
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 587, in <module>
File "C:\roku_media_server\server\web\", line 313, in run
return wsgi.runwsgi(self.wsgifunc(*middleware))
File "C:\roku_media_server\server\web\", line 54, in runwsgi
return httpserver.runsimple(func, validip(listget(sys.argv, 1, '')))
File "C:\roku_media_server\server\web\", line 146, in runsimple
File "C:\roku_media_server\server\web\wsgiserver\", line 1596, in start
raise socket.error, msg
socket.error: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way fobidden by
its access permissions
0 Kudos

Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

I just changed my port and now it works again. Any thoughts as to why 8001 is not working?

I have always used 8001 as default...It was never blocked by firewalls.
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"Timmy Likes to Click" wrote:
I just changed my port and now it works again. Any thoughts as to why 8001 is not working?

I have always used 8001 as default...It was never blocked by firewalls.

It may be in use by something else on your PC
Going where the wind don't blow so strange
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

I have My Media setup and followed the handbrake conversion of files to mp4 format. I'm struggling because when I open the mp4 file streamed from my computer, in my media, the player displays "retrieving" for about 30 seconds and then aborts. When I try to open it again, nothing happens. Causing additional frustration, the file played fine just last week! I have not altered settings. Does anyone know what I should try?
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