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Roku Guru

Bugs in Roku SDK Documentation

PS. decided just to rename this topic from "Mislabeled PDFs in SDK" to "bugs in documentation", so we can throw there discrepancies noticed instead of opening new threads silly.

Noticed today some of the RokuSDK/documents/*.PDF have wrong titles as Adobe Reader is concerned.

When using "Search" to get all files containing term, I noticed same document names showed more than once in the result pane. Which is weird because hits are grouped together by PDF file. I saw that before but chalked it to be Adobe bug; today i investigated. To reproduce, select Search "All PDF documents in ... folder" and ask it to seach "Roku". Observe there are repeating document names, for example 3 "Roku Digital Video Player Getting Started"

It's a case of confused identity where the PDF has wrong Title/Subject inside (try File / Properties in Adobe to see that). No doubt happened because one document was copied and edited to make another doc but the metadata was not changed. Here is list of the offenders:

  • DeveloperGuide.pdf - thinks it is "Roku Digital Video Player Getting Started"

  • DesignGuidelines.pdf - "Roku Digital Video Player Getting Started"

  • EncodingGuide.pdf - "Roku Digital Video Player Getting Started"

  • ExternalControlGuide.pdf - "The BIF Archive Format Specification"

  • Roku Channel Developer Agreement and Program Requirements.pdf - "Roku® Digital Video Player"

  • ChannelPackagingAndPublishing.pdf - "Roku Digital Player Component Reference"

Roku*, please fix.

PS. Moot, since around 2013-05 there are no documentation PDFs, only confluence wiki
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

ifFunction.GetSub() return type [fixed 2014-03]

BS Reference manual, 10.11 claims that ifFunction.GetSub() returns String.

I spotted discrepancy between the types in GetSub and SetSub and tried to see. It does not - it returns "Function" (bsTypedValue).
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Eval(codeStr) return type [fixed 2014-09]

BSRef 6.6 says Eval() returns integer, "the same error codes are returned by GetLastRunTuntimeError()".

Except if there is problem parsing the snippet, then it seems to return GetLastRunCompileError() as roList of roAssociativeArrays. So the return type is "dynamic" at best
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

"roBrSub" type [moot since 2013-04]

BSCompRef 3.0 mentions among core components one class "roBrSub" which is not explained anywhere nor is creatable by createobject().
0 Kudos

Re: "roBrSub" type

"EnTerr" wrote:
BSCompRef 3.0 mentions among core components one class "roBrSub" which is not explained anywhere nor is creatable by createobject().
Confirmed, no mention in anywhere else in the pdfs or examples. - A free web app for Roku Remote Control!
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by Apps4TV - Applications for television and beyond:
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Roku Guru

Re: "roBrSub" type

"gonzotek" wrote:
"EnTerr" wrote:
CompRef 3.0 mentions among core components one class "roBrSub" which is not explained anywhere nor is creatable by createobject().
Confirmed, no mention in anywhere else in the pdfs or examples.

maybe someone meant roFunction? roFunction is mentioned three times in BSRef and we know that "sub xxx" is shortcut for "function xxx as void"
BrightScript Debugger> ? box(function(): end function)
<Component: roFunction>
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

None such "isStorageDeviceInserted()" [fixed 2015-06]

CompRef under "2.4 Event Loops", "Since Firmware version 2.6" mentions
Boolean isStorageDeviceInserted(Void)
but there is no such animal. CompRef 5.7, "roFileSystemEvent" describes instead

- which exists.
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

WriteAsciiFile() description wrong [fixed 2013-11]

7.8 WriteAsciiFile(filepath As String, buffer As String) As Boolean
This function reads the specified file and returns it as a string.
i'd venture guessing this writes instead but does it return something?
0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

SpringboardDirectorLabel attribute

Component Reference 4.1, section 4.2

SpringboardDirectorLabel — Does not work
SpringboardDirectorText — This seems to be the correct attribute name
0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

Re: SpringboardDirectorLabel attribute

"ghartwig" wrote:
Component Reference 4.1, section 4.2

SpringboardDirectorLabel — Does not work
SpringboardDirectorText — This seems to be the correct attribute name

You're absolutely correct! How ridiculous is it that the documentation hasn't been updated after you reported back in 2012!!!!

Really sad how much of an after thought the programming side is for Roku. I don't expect iOS like documentation and features, but really.. can't afford someone to stay on-top of documentation and bug fixes?

My channels: Amiri King, Donnie Baker, Worldview Weekend - Twitter @rjdjohnston
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