Great timing!
works perfectly. Now to the question of why it works:
I didn't know you could do a lookup with an AssociativeArray using that notation! Yeah, it's on page 12 of the component reference...
Notatonal weirdness:
BrightScript Debugger> ?"hello world".instr("hello")
BrightScript Debugger> ?instr("hello world","hello")
instr is zero-based in first context, one based in the second context!
cookieValue = header[ "Set-Cookie" ].Mid( cookieName.Len() + 1 )
snip off the cookee name
cookieValue = cookieValue.Mid( 0, cookieValue.InStr( ";" ) )
snip off the string after the end of the cookie value and it's good to go!
I just came across this section of the Roku component reference earlier today (page 15/16 in 2.7), had never tried to use these functions in that way before today, synchronicity!
Thanks for your help!
- Joel
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