I've noticed some weird things when working with a partial screen video and with video transitions to roku billing. Device is an Insignia Roku TV:
1) The bufferingbar and retrievingbar are either hidden or are displayed in the location where they would be for a full screen video (on top of my other components). This is annoying.
2) When i hide the screen containing this preview video, to get a user's partial billing info, instead of flashing black between screens like it typically does, it flashes black except for a still frame of the video (in the position where the video was). This looks fairly janky. I've also tested with a full screen video - same result.
3) MOST TROUBLING: the same video still frame will still show up in transitions between screens of production applications. It seems that one of Roku's biggest concerns with the SDK is crossover between applications - somehow the video still frame is not getting removed from the buffer memory. It stays this way until I restart the device. One example is Pandora. Upon launching it, I see the pandora splash screen, then where it usually flashes black for a split second, i instead see a flash of the stillframe from my video.
Is there some workaround to force delete this image? I'd like to use a partial screen video for a production app.
Here is the general setup of my screen (I added my own "loading" message since the normal one is not displayed on the partial video):
translation="[740, 100]"
text = "Loading..."
horizAlign = "center"
vertAlign = "center"