"jul10" wrote:"maria_tarkany" wrote:
How to set a field outside the xml file?
I want to send a value when I create a scene in main function:sub Main()
screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
m.port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
scene = screen.CreateScene("FirstScene")
scene.url = "http://wallpaperswide.com/download/" 'HERE I want to send the url value
'in debugging mode scene.url or scene.top.url are both invalid here
end sub
I have this xml with "FirstScene" Scene:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="FirstScene" extends="Scene" >
<field id="url" type="string"/>
<script type="text/brightscript">
sub init()
m.ep1 = m.top.createChild("Poster")
m.ep1.uri = m.top.url 'HERE I want to use the url
'But when I debug the app, in terminal the m.top.url field has no value
m.ep1.width = "264"
m.ep1.height = "148"
m.ep1.translation = "[930,500]"
end sub
In order to make this work you'll need to have an observer set up on the 'url' field in your scene.
So your init() in your FirstScene would look like this:
sub init()
m.ep1 = m.top.createChild("Poster")
m.ep1.width = "264"
m.ep1.height = "148"
m.ep1.translation = "[930,500]"
m.top.observeField("url", "onUrlChanged")
end sub
sub onUrlChanged()
m.ep1.uri = m.top.url
end sub
The rest should remain unchanged.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="SimpleRowListScene" extends="Scene" >
<field id="categories" type="assocarray" onChange="categoriesChanged"/>
<script type="text/brightscript" >
function init()
print "in init"
m.theRowList = m.top.FindNode("theRowList")
end function
function categoriesChanged() as void
print "hello"
m.top.theRowList.categories = m.top.categories
end function
<SimpleRowList id="theRowList" translation="[50,50]" />
categories = getCategoryAssociateArrayData()
screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
scene = screen.CreateScene("SimpleRowListScene")
scene.categories = categories
msg = wait(0, port)
msgType = type(msg)
if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
return true
end if
end if
end while
"bosborne" wrote:"jul10" wrote:
In order to make this work you'll need to have an observer set up on the 'url' field in your scene.
So your init() in your FirstScene would look like this:
sub init()
m.ep1 = m.top.createChild("Poster")
m.ep1.width = "264"
m.ep1.height = "148"
m.ep1.translation = "[930,500]"
m.top.observeField("url", "onUrlChanged")
end sub
sub onUrlChanged()
m.ep1.uri = m.top.url
end sub
The rest should remain unchanged.
I'm unable to get this working as well.
Here's a simple example. I want to pass in an roAssociativeArray of categories into the scene (and into the row list). Here's the code for my scene... "hello" is never even printed.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="SimpleRowListScene" extends="Scene" >
<field id="categories" type="assocarray" onChange="categoriesChanged"/>
<script type="text/brightscript" >
function init()
print "in init"
m.theRowList = m.top.FindNode("theRowList")
end function
function categoriesChanged() as void
print "hello"
m.top.theRowList.categories = m.top.categories
end function
<SimpleRowList id="theRowList" translation="[50,50]" />
My brightscript main code:
categories = getCategoryAssociateArrayData()
screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
scene = screen.CreateScene("SimpleRowListScene")
scene.categories = categories
msg = wait(0, port)
msgType = type(msg)
if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
return true
end if
end if
end while
categories = getCategoryAssociateArrayData()
screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
scene = screen.CreateScene("SimpleRowListScene")
scene.categories = categories
msg = wait(0, port)
msgType = type(msg)
if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
return true
end if
end if
end while
"bosborne" wrote:
Here's a simple example. I want to pass in an roAssociativeArray of categories into the scene (and into the row list). Here's the code for my scene... "hello" is never even printed.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="SimpleRowListScene" extends="Scene" >
<field id="categories" type="assocarray" onChange="categoriesChanged"/>
<script type="text/brightscript" >
function init()
print "in init"
m.theRowList = m.top.FindNode("theRowList")
end function
function categoriesChanged() as void
print "hello"
m.top.theRowList.categories = m.top.categories
end function
<SimpleRowList id="theRowList" translation="[50,50]" />