Maybe this has been said before. But my Rolu remote just died. I was able to keep it going for a bit by moving the batteries around in yhe remote but that didn't work long enough and now, even with a new pair of batteries, it just won't work. I can't use the power button, the volume, nothing works. I did try to reset the remote until I realized that my remote doesn't have the capabilites to do that. So I figured maybe it was the TV, I unplugged it and plugged it back in, I used my phone to turn it on and see if it will work with my remote. Doesn't work. Then I reset the TV, and again. It still isn't working. So now I'm here wondering if I need to actually get a new remote or smth (idk if that's even possible) or maybe someone who also has experienced this can help me in my predicament. Small Thing: Sorry for the bad grammar. I'm typing this on my phone atm.
Do you have a Roku TV or a Roku device connected to a TV? Is it a voice remote with a microphone button and possibly a pairing button inside the battery compartment? How old is the remote?
Hi @casablanca,
Welcome to the Roku Community!
Thanks for flagging us about these remote woes and for the detailed information.
We'd like to ask for additional information about this in order to cover things up.
Kindly share with us a bit more about this issue, and we'll further look into it.