My unit is not working. Is there a Tech number to help. Got hooked to Chat. Was told I had an old account and needed to buy a mew subscription?
Continuous blue light blinks twice. Can not control unit with remote
@Bigpoppa01 There is no such thing as an "old Roku account". You were not in a chat with a Roku representative. To contact Roku, login to your Roku account on a computer and select the support tab and follow directions from there. Chat and telephone are only available certain hours so you will have to chat or call during those hours which are listed.
I am not sure who you contacted, but if they are trying to sell you a subscription to something to fix a hardware problem, then most likely you are being scammed and not talking to Roku Customer support.
Could it be that you meant that they told you that you need a new Roku device?
No, it was a scam.
It should be noted that the Roku 4 is no longer supported as of a few years ago. You can try doing a factory reset and then re-pairing the remote.