I am trying to find out if this voice remote (https://www.amazon.com/Roku-RCAL7R-Voice-Remote-New/dp/B07WVFCKSS) will work for my Roku express Model # 3930X. The simple (cheap) remote it came with doesn't control volume or TV power, and the one I am looking to replace it with does. And it was suggested to make sure that the voice remote is compatible with my Roku Express.
It's sad that when I went to the suggested site (go.roku.com/remotecheck) to check for compatibility there was nothing that would tell me if it would work with my Roku. And there was no way to email them (Roku) this simple question.
So if anyone knows if the voice remote will work with my Roku Express 3930X, I would appreciate your input/answer.
Thanks for your time.
Yes, the rc-al7 will pair to the 3930, it might control the roku out of the box but don't leave at that, pair it via the pairing button in the battery compartment, that is the only way to have tv controls.
Yes, the rc-al7 will pair to the 3930, it might control the roku out of the box but don't leave at that, pair it via the pairing button in the battery compartment, that is the only way to have tv controls.