I’ve had a working remote but all of the sudden it wouldn’t work anymore so I put new batteries in, it didn’t work. I’ve tried to repair it, restart my ROKU, my TV, I’ve even gotten a new remote, and neither remotes will connect. I’ve even completely renewed my ROKU and it still won’t work. I’ve gotten the HDMI extender and it didn’t work. The only thing is when I put the batteries in the remote is they automatically start flashing green but won’t do anything else. I’ve look online everywhere and I’ve tried everything and it won’t work.
Thanks for the post.
Can you please provide more information about the issue you are experiencing? What Roku model device are you using? What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
In addition, we would recommend taking a look at the information provided by our Support page here: Fix your remote
Please keep us posted what you find out.
Thanks for the post.
Can you please provide more information about the issue you are experiencing? What Roku model device are you using? What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
In addition, we would recommend taking a look at the information provided by our Support page here: Fix your remote
Please keep us posted what you find out.