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Binge Watcher

Re: Class Action Suit - Forced to sign a ( I won’t Join a Class Action suit against ROKU ).

It appears the thread is being infiltrated with accounts attempting to sideline and distract from the primary conversation (e.g., shilling for corps, urging whataboutism, ad hoc attacks, and incendiary political statements ). 

Don't fall for it.

Keep up the pressure on Roku!


Arbitration slimy cowards

So because you're a terrible company you want people to give up their basic rights to hold you accountable?


If we actually had representation in America for the people this type of abuse by corporate whores like Roku to do the right thing instead of what their hand rubbing lawyers tell them to do.

I'll throw this POS in the trash.


Re: Roku disables players and TVs with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

So let me get this straight… if Roku suffers a data breach and our Personally Identifiable Information (PII - Names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, credit card info, etc) is scraped and used to fraudulently buy things or open bank accounts, credit cards or purchase houses via identity theft, Roku wants remove our ability to hold them accountable for such a breach or to sue them in a court of law, and to instead put such claims to a private arbitrator they’ve contracted and paid to either deny damages or pay pennies on the $100.00 for redress.

And they will brick our devices we’ve both paid for at time of purchase and are paying subscriptions for until we press the “Agree” button, because there is no “Opt out” button.

And to opt out, we must write & send USPS letters that include copies of original receipts for the purchases of all our Roku devices, putting the onus on the consumer/customer to locate these documents, often long gone or not available if one was gifted a Roku device.

This is probably the most ham-fisted and bullying EULA I’ve seen in the last 30 years.

These guys are really being abusive to their loyal customers by making it very difficult to opt out of lopsided terms that privatize redress of damages to a Roku-paid contractor that will inevitably rule in favorable terms for Roku.

Roku is potentially creating a Public Relations nightmare for themselves.

Streaming Star

Re: Arbitration slimy cowards

@Abunchofcowards wrote:

If we actually had representation in America for the people this type of abuse by corporate whores like Roku to do the right thing instead of what their hand rubbing lawyers tell them to do.

We USED to.  Until, like all government entities appointed "for the protection of the people", they fell to the wayside.  That meaning politically and monetarily motivated.

0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Roku disables players and TVs with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

And finally, after sending complaints to every known avenue, I have gotten an email yesterday from Roku, innocently telling me about the new arbitration update....after 
1)  BRICKING my televisions first, and
2) AFTER I had already read about the Roku DATA BREACH! 

Coverup?  CYA!  I have no doubt they already knew about the breach, which is why they sent that brick to our televisions...to get as many people to agree to not press charges as quickly as possible, even if ROKU's data breach could possibly cause their customers thousands of dollars in identity theft legal issues!

***If you are one of the affected customers who's information was stolen by the Roku data breach, go to all 3 credit union websites, and FREEZE your credit files!   A SECURITY FREEZE ON YOUR CREDIT REPORT IS FREE. 
***Watch what you click on!  (I noticed yesterday, there is a new money maker on the credit bureau sites. Do not agree to buy any credit freeze bs from them!  You do not have to pay for this service!).
(You will need to remove the freeze if you apply for credit anywhere.  But until then, this is how to protect your credit and finances.)

Follow these links for TransUnion and Experian.  Equifax makes you call them.

Equifax you have to call 888-298-0045
Roku Guru

Re: Roku disables players and TVs with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

The FTC and FCC combined have fewer employees than Roku, and Roku is just one small company among many companies in the US.  As such, I wouldn’t expect any significant response from the FTC or FCC “really soon”.  (I’m not even sure about “ever” depending on what you expect them to do.)

As for dispute resolution emails, my first account got the email on 3/8 and my second account got it on 3/10 so I guess it takes them a while to send emails to 80 million subscribers. 

Banned but back. Because why not?
0 Kudos

Re: Roku disables players and TVs with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

I have four TV's that are Roku TV's and one that has a Roku stick. I am going to add a Fire TV stick to all of these. I will not purchase a Roku TV or device going forward. Roku should had provided an option to opt out of the new terms of service without jumping through hoops. Think it might have something to do with Roku recently being hacked?

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: Roku disables players and TVs with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

I have had Firesticks before and they are poor when compared to Roku. But I still do not see a big deal with the terms of service. Just like all software manufacturers and more and more companies. If you do not agree to the terms. You can't use the product.

0 Kudos
Binge Watcher

Re: Roku disables players and TVs with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

Most manufacturers bring it up before the sale, not a year after you bought the TV. 

Binge Watcher

Re: Roku disables players and TVs with attempt to coerce arbitration agreement

You can go on to your Roku account and turn it on guest mode which would bypass the need to sign the agreement but I have noticed that they have updated their terms again to make it so even if you don't agree to it if you just use your product it will count as a sign of agreement, personally I hope that the person who made the update dies a horrible slow death and everyone else who signed off on it

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