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Streaming Star

Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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I am merely suggesting that when there's such overwhelming backlash, and a company hosts a community help forum like this with active employees as admins who can, and do respond, that it's crazy no one has officially responded to this and said anything along the lines of "we hear you and we'll do something."

Even Samsung, as massive of a company as they are, has active users in forums like reddit who give official assistance and feedback they receive does effect feature changes like this.

Discussion forums are for discussion, that's what we're doing. The only one here who actually sounds like they're crying is you.


Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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Please give us the option to remove these boxes. I just want to see the grid.

Streaming Star

Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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It is not really the banner at the top that is the problem... it is that every time you back click to the channel guide, it defaults all the way to the top banner.


Streaming Star

Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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Don't be a douche making it seem like everyone here is a douche.  The truth of the matter is that if it was not for this forum, this thread, the company would have no input into how the changes they made are for the worse and not the better.

Streaming Star

Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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Don't be a moron.  For every person that takes the time out of their day to "complain", you can be assured there are a thousand more feeling the same way.

This is a quality control forum more than a complaint group.  Get off your high horse and go find something productive to do.

Binge Watcher

Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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Exactly nightfisher!  I don't think anyone has any problem with a banner or even banner ads. Just allow us to decide if we want the channel guide button to go to the "Channel Guide" or to the "banner" at the top. It can't be that difficult to add that option to our Roku general settings.

Streaming Star

Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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@winston3338"If I were a supervisor there I would tell my techs that if a customer writes in with a problem try to work together to solve it"

They're developers, not techs. Dev's work on software, tech's are technicians, who work on hardware.

"I want you to understand I will fire your @ss so fast, your head will spin."

You have me laughing pretty hard because you can't fire anyone, you don't even know how customer service works in the 21st century.

Companies can and do have employees responding to customers and there are simple rules like don't insult them or call them names, be nice, and be helpful. It's just a job you clearly wouldn't be able to do, but others can.

It's probably time for you to change the mop water in your janitor cart.

Roku Guru

Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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Easytodobetter, you are an idiot and a crybaby who can't put this conversation to sleep. Do you always need to get the last word in because you are so childish. Why don't we wait and see if Roku comes on and explains anything to you. Now because you have this childish need to finish on top and you find it Easy to keep up your childish opinion.

You are completely right and I am completely wrong. Roku is going to explain to you everything they are doing. You win I lose. Now go away fool. Now again, try to grow up and don't forget, left click and down click and this life changing event will be over for you. Do you mind if I don't respond to your childish self anymore. You win. Gaa gaa goo goo

0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Favorites above TV Guide - new feature

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Again, you sound like the only one who's crying. We're using these forums for discussion, you're using them for name calling and insults.

You attack me personally, calling me an idiot, while I simply disagree with your argument that they don't need to respond.

As someone who actually runs a large company with customer service, I can't disagree more. When a large amount of customers are unhappy they're speaking for an even larger number of customers who aren't voicing their opinion. It's good business to respond to them.

In this case, developers don't know how roku will choose to handle this issue, but they could at least say "we hear your feedback and will do something" which is standard elsewhere online.

That way we all know something is being done and people won't, for example, jump ship to other platforms.

For Roku NOT to do this, is bad business. I know you're brand loyal and you think these forums aren't supposed to have any purpose besides worshiping the company, but they're for improving the product and hearing customer feedback. Both of which proven to increase profits, which is what they care about. This is business 101. Sorry.

When they don't tell us that something will be done, then it's "stupid" to sit there and wait like mindless consumer.

You're defensive of Roku, you seem to think they don't owe their customers a quality experience but they do, that's how brands work. They provide us an experience we enjoy, we provide them with revenue. This experience, too many of us struggle to enjoy, we feel our purchases have been wasted unless this feature is completely rolled back or given a settings option.

That doesn't make us "crybabies" or anything else, it makes us conscious consumers, instead of lemmings.


Re: Live TV Channel Guide: View Current Shows When Browsing Channels

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So agree! We searched for a way to shut it off but couldn’t find one. We have to log out and come bank to even view the guide since this was added.  Hate it!


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