Mute button on side is a very, very, bad and horrible idea. I need a remote with the mute button on the face. The current design has me thinking about a different streaming service. Is a better designed remote available or do I need to look into an Amazon or Google design?
I like the One-For-All urc-7935 Streamer remote, many open box versions on ebay for $10, works great with Roku TV's:
I completely agree. We have two Roku Ultras. We bought them a few weeks apart. The first one came with a remote with no mute button. That is not a problem since we have a sound bar attached to the TV and we use the sound bar remote to control volume and to mute. The second Ultra came with a remote with the mute button on the side under the volume buttons. The engineers could not have picked a worst place for it. Like others, I am constantly muting the sound inadvertently. Roku should re-design the remote and send one to everyone who has the one with the button on the side. I know they will not do that but they should.
grrrrrr i just set up ultra ,love everything about it except the remote, I ve accidentally hit the mute 4 times in an hour??? Come on guys what were you thinking, its so in the wrong place its right where you hold it... Wish I could disable it, im ready to open it up and lose the mute button all together. VERY POOR DESIGN GUYS! I ve been uses Roku 2 for years , Much better remote design.
The mute key may be new to stand alone roku remotes but the roku tv remotes have had the mute key in the same location as yours for over 5 years, never a complaint, so Roku put on all roku remotes.
That ergonomics for RIGHT HANDERS is horrible. Should never have gotten past UX/QA. To position your index finger over the OK button, and hold the remote so it doesn't slip out of your hand, your middle finger will ALWAYS be on that mute button. I suspect that if I put a non-slip surface on the remote, I could alter this, but otherwise no.
Very bad design. Removing the mute button, or non-slip sleeve will happen soon here. I have expensive smart remotes, but they are IR and that's no good. Need their wifi I/F. (for sound to the remote and voice control)
Thank u much, couldn't agree with you more.... I think the guy that tested remote was left handed... Ha Ha..
Agree 100% - the MUTE button on the remote is in the worst position possible, i am constantly clicking it by mistake . As it’s too late to change hardware, ROKU should adapt the software - for example you need to press and hold mute for a second to activate it. Could be an option in settings.
I too am very annoyed with this. I’m constantly muting it every time I grab the remote! I’m going to be returning it because of this.
I also think they should recall this or address this in settings .. it’s not like it was a $10 item!