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Reel Rookie

Wrong movie for Les Miserables

Still the incorrect version of the film. When will this issue be resolved?

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Wrong movie for Les Miserables

Hi @Ballardfam,

Congrats on your first post here in the Roku Community!

We acknowledge the issue you've experienced with having the wrong content to play while streaming a specific movie. We would like to know more about this so we can work on it. What is the content that plays, and what is the expected movie that you intend to watch? In addition, when did you first notice this issue start to occur?

Please keep us posted so we can further assist you.


Takashi O.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos

Re: Wrong movie for Les Miserables

to kash-

the title says les mis 1995 (starring jean-paul belmundo), 

but the one that actually plays is the one from 1982

please correct.  

we want to see the one from 1995

thank you

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: Wrong movie for Les Miserables


The film that is playing under the selection on the roku channel is the 1982 version of Les Miserables. Although the poster and description are for the 1995 version by director Claude Lelouch, starring Jean-Paul Belmondo. I noticed this issue about 3 weeks ago.


 Correct Version 👇


Movie currently playing👇

0 Kudos
Retired Moderator

Re: Wrong movie for Les Miserables

Hi @Ballardfam @conanlabiche

Thanks for reaching out here in the Roku Community!

We understand that you have trouble playing a channel with the wrong version. Could you tell us where you try to view the Les Misérables—through the standalone or The Roku channel? If possible, could you respond with a photo of the issue?

With more detailed information, we'll be able to assist you further.

All the best,


Jecheal R.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos
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