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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Fox News Live Not Loading Past 13%

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Thanks for the update, @Stjrussell!

We highly appreciate you for providing us with the requested details precisely! Rest assured; we will forward your information to the appropriate Roku team for review. In the meantime, we're grateful for your patience and understanding as we work on this. 

Feel free to let us know if there's anything else you'd want us to address or create a new thread for different concerns. We'd be more than willing to listen and take action.

Best regards,

Jharra Q.
Roku Community Moderator
Binge Watcher

Re: Fox News App major issues

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Have been experiencing the EXACT SAME ISSUE for over a year ... off and on.  Roku's ONLY answer after the typical troubleshooting of reset, update, etc., is to "Contact Fox."  I've unsuccessfully tried to explain that;

A) There is NO ONE to contact at Fox.
B) That it is a well-documented, widespread problem of a long time perid ... evidenced on this same "Roku Community" site,
C) That is would seem long past time for Roku and Fox to collaborate for a fix.  It's not any INDIVIDUAL Roku user's issue.

They always ask for the serial #, software version, GC version, and issue ID. It's irrelevant since the SAME probelm persist regardless of the Roku equipment. Very VERY frustrating repeatedly explaining the SAME thing over and over and getting the same response which, thus far, has solved nothing.


Binge Watcher

Re: Fox News App major issues

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reach out to Fox News support ....  REALLY?  There is NO ONE to reach out to at "Fox News Support."  This is the ongoing, standard Roku "answer."  And I've been trying to convey the same as above ... i.e., NO ONE to reach out to. This has become a complete "black hole."  

Roku ... we users are asking for your help.  "Contact Fox News support" is NOT helping.  At all.  I don't know how to be any clearer.

Binge Watcher

Re: Fox News App major issues

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NONE ... repeat NONE of the "resolution" items 1 -4 have ANY impact on the problem.  And, "reach out to Fox News support" is absurd.  THERE IS NO ONE TO REACH OUT TO.  Never has been.

Given the longevity and breadth of this often recurring problem, it would seem appropriate for ROKU and FOX to reach some kind of resolution.  This is most assuredly NOT any individual Roku user's issue.

Thank you....

Binge Watcher

Re: Fox News Live Not Loading Past 13%

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I've been saying the EXACT SAME THING to Roku yet their responses continue to be the same ... and useless.  If you contact Comcast, Dish, or any other provider, they say ... contact Roku.  Roku says contact Fox News Support ... except THERE IS NO ONE TO CONTACT.  

It's bewildering that Roku chooses to ignore the fact that we ... users ... cannot contact "Fox News Support."  And the only time I actually spoke to someone with the Fox organization, they said ... "contact Roku."

This isn't "Bob's Knitting Channel", it's FOX News and Fox Business and their respective viewership.  ROKU needs to engage with FOX and find a permanent solution.


Binge Watcher

Re: Fox News Live Not Loading Past 13%

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Roku needs to resolve this.  It is NOT a Fox News app, Comcast (or any other service provider) issue?  And the Roku suggestion to "contact Fox News Support" is absurd.  That DOES NOT EXIST for Fox News or Fox Business.  Likewise, anyone else you contact (service providers, Fox, etc.) all say the same thing.  "Contact Roku."  This issue has been reoccuring for over 2 years.  

The exasperated person on the recent Fox chat finally told me I could call (888) 369-4762.  THAT, btw, is the main Fox number.  Doubtful that Sean Hannity, Greg Gutfeld or any number of show producers are equipped to assist ... or care.

As a reminder ... Fox News Digital finished the first quarter of 2024 as the No. 1 news organization in both multiplatform minutes and multiplatform views.  And this didn't just happen ....

Since January 2002, FNC has remained the most-watched cable news network across both total day and primetime with total viewers and the 25-54 demographic.

ROKU ... it's time to find a permanent fix.  This isn't "Bob's Knitting Channel."  It's Fox News and Fox Business and their respective viewerships.  FIX THIS PLEASE

Binge Watcher

Re: Fox News Live Not Loading Past 13%

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Well said @mmears1 @maybe time to switch to firestick. This is ludicrous!!!!!

Streaming Star

Re: Fox News App major issues

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Many cable companies are dropping the regular old cable line ups. that means all your typical free apps that you logged into with cable email address, are gone. The companies have gone to youtube tv etc...

My cable company is WOW, wideopenwest,  they no longer allow free apps. if you want to continue watching, you have to buy apps individually or pay for youtube tv, etc... 

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: Fox News App major issues

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I did find the issues that were preventing the app from working on all LAN devices.

The issue was my router/firewall policies blocking the Fox News ad-collecting sites, which are tied to the app on Roku when you log into FOX.

All the sites/links shown in the screenshot below were being blocked. I had to set up rules in the router to allow these sites. After that was done, the problem has been fixed for over 30 days now.


Fox News.JPG

Channel Surfer

Re: Fox News Live Not Loading Past 13%

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This is the only app that I have the same problem with, Maybe they don't want us to watch foxnews..