Any way you could swap them out and rename them? 🤔 👍😉👉
According to the author of CLOC, the whole app has to be rebuilt to current "standards". This is not a simple fix, sadly.
I won’t get rid of Roku either, but really do miss the features of the private CLOC. I also searched for another screensaver and was surprised to see almost 1,000! It took awhile to scroll through and preview them. Didn’t see anything I would like to constantly see on my TV when not watching it. I’m just using the public CLOC, but it freezes. I would gladly pay for the CLOC with the weather info. I think it’s great that a developer would use his skills to create something useful, I wouldn’t expect someone’s talent to be free. I don’t give away my services, an artist doesn’t give away the art he creates, a musician doesn’t perform for free, so why would a developer give away his product?
Agree completely. Hopefully, @renojim will be able to get to this as soon as is convenient for him. From what I'm seeing, there are many of us out here more than willing to pay for his superior product over what can be found in that 'sea' of screensaver garbage listed on Roku.
The public version of CLOC just kept freezing on me, so I ended up installing the Clever Clocks package (one-time $2.99 charge). It at least has a couple of clocks that I don't 'hate': the retro flip-clock and the matrix one. And it has the current temperature you can set by zip code. I like the nixie clock, but it's too bright on the screen for me. And those other ones that you have to study to figure out what time it is? That's just crazy.
This (hopefully temporary) fix is at least something, but just so....blah.
It's crazy how you become so dependent on something like a screensaver! I glance at that many times a day and night. I'm already feeling the withdrawal pains. Please Jim, take our money and give us back what we need! 🙂
Well THANK YOU for your work on this @renojim! Why not fix the original rather than release a private working version?
I tried Clever Clocks. I didn't really care for them. Most of them don't move--they just stay stationary, which I don't like. I ended up just settling on the Roku-provided digital clock. There's no weather, but it works--and it jumps around the screen.
Add me to the list of people willing to pay for this app. Maybe a $5 or $10 yearly subscription? And I'd gladly pay more for one additional feature (being able to include the day of the week with the date, since I never seem to know what day it is).
WOW! Does that mean above mowing the lawn and fixing the wife's vac?
I too have been an avid user and this is THE BEST there is, IMHO. I already subscribe and am very willing to do it again when you're ready.
I used CLOC from my very first day on Roku, and have used CLOCPRI since you started it. I loved the cuckoo! I hope you can reconfigure it to suit Roku, but even if you can't, I'm grateful for the years that I had it. Thank you.
I loved the cuckoo too!